Animal Advisory Committee
| Committee | Regulatory Compliance Training Room
Public Safety Building
1305 E. Broad Street | 3 | |
Capital Improvements Advisory Committee
| Capital Improvements Boards | City Hall Council Chambers | 7 | |
City Council
| Primary Legislative Body | Council Chambers | 7 | |
City Council - Annual Audit Committee
| Committee | City Hall | 3 | |
City Council - Budget Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | | |
City Council - Code Enforcement Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | 3 | |
City Council - Economic Development Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | | |
City Council - Election Integrity Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | 3 | |
City Council - Emergency Management Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | | |
City Council - Employee Benefits Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | 3 | |
City Council - Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Review Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | | |
City Council - Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax Funds Policy and Allocation Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | 3 | |
City Council - Housing Market Growth Strategy Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | 3 | |
City Council - Local Transportation Issues Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | 3 | |
City Council - MISD Meetings Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | | |
City Council - Public Memorials Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | 3 | |
City Council - Revitalization of Historic Downtown Mansfield Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | 3 | |
Construction Codes Board of Adjustment and Appeals
| Construction Codes Board | City Hall | 7 | |
Historic Landmark Commission
| Historic Landmark Commissions | City Hall Council Chambers | 7 | |
Historic Preservation Advisory Board
| Boards | Mansfield Historical Museum and Heritage Center | 5 | |
HLC - Preservation Education Sub-Committee
| Historic Landmark Commissions | City Hall Planning Conference Room | 4 | |
HLC – Preservation Plan Advisory Committee
| Committee | | 3 | |
Keep Mansfield Beautiful Commission
| Environmental | Chris Burkett Service Center | 6 | |
| Requestor | | 1 | |
Mansfield Commission for the Arts
| Commission | MISD Center for the Performing Arts | 6 | |
Mansfield Economic Development Corporation
| Economic Development | City Hall - Council Chambers | 7 | |
Mansfield Park Facilities Development Corporation
| Park Boards | City Hall Council Chambers | 8 | |
Mansfield Public Library Advisory Board
| Boards | Community Room | | |
Planning and Zoning Commission
| Planning and Zoning Commissions | City Hall Council Chambers | 6 | |
Public Facility Corporation
| Primary Legislative Body | Council Chambers | 3 | |
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Four Board
| Committee | City Hall | 7 | |
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board
| Committee | City Hall | 4 | |
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Sub-Committee
| Committee | City Hall | 3 | |
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Three Board
| Committee | City Hall | 7 | |
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Two Board
| Committee | City Hall | 3 | |
Tree Board
| Tree Board | City Hall Council Chambers | | |
Zoning Board of Adjustments
| Zoning Boards | City Hall Council Chambers | 7 | |