File #: 24-6087    Version: Name: Ordinance - Public Hearing Continuation and First Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from PD, Planned Development District to S, South Mansfield Form Based Development District on Approximately 57.95 Acres in the John Robertson Survey, A
Type: Ordinance Status: Old Business
File created: 6/28/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 7/22/2024 Final action:
Title: Ordinance - Public Hearing and First Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from PD, Planned Development District to S, South Mansfield Form Based Development District on Approximately 57.95 Acres in the John Robertson Survey, Abstract No. 1317, City of Mansfield, Tarrant County, Texas, Generally Located east of U.S. Highway 287, East and West of N. Mitchell Road, and North of the Union Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way on Property Addressed at 101 S. U.S. Highway 287 and at 20 and 24 North Mitchell Road; BV Mitchell LLC and the City of Mansfield, Applicants (ZC#24-008)
Sponsors: Jason Alexander
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Maps and Supporting Information, 3. Exhibit A


Ordinance - Public Hearing and First Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from PD, Planned Development District to S, South Mansfield Form Based Development District on Approximately 57.95 Acres in the John Robertson Survey, Abstract No. 1317, City of Mansfield, Tarrant County, Texas, Generally Located east of U.S. Highway 287, East and West of N. Mitchell Road, and North of the Union Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way on Property Addressed at 101 S. U.S. Highway 287 and at 20 and 24 North Mitchell Road; BV Mitchell LLC and the City of Mansfield, Applicants (ZC#24-008)


Requested Action

To consider the subject zoning change request.



The City Council conducted a public hearing on July 8, 2024, and a motion was not made on the zoning change request.


The Planning and Zoning Commission met on June 17, 2024, and voted 7 to 0 to recommend approval of the zoning change request.



Ayes:                     7 - Mainer, Axen, Bennett, Goodwin, Moses, Shaw, and Thompson

Nays:                     0

Absent:                      0




Existing Use: Vacant

Existing Zoning: PD, Planned Development District

Mansfield 2040 Land Use Designation: Retail & Office, Mixed-Use Regional, and LINQ Special Area Plan


Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:

North                      -                      HEB Grocery, PD, Planned Development District

South                      -                      Manufacturing, PD, Planned Development District

East                     -                      Manufacturing, Clinics and Assisted Living facility, PD, Planned Development District

West                      -                      Existing Commercial, C-2, Community Business District


Thoroughfare Plan Specification:

U.S. Highway 287 - Frontage Road and Freeway

North Mitchell Road - Two lane divided collector street



The applicant is requesting to rezone the property from PD, Planned Development District, to S, South Mansfield Form Based Development District, on approximately 57.95 acres to accommodate mixed-use development along US 287 Frontage Road. It should be noted that there are two (2) PD, Planned Development Districts regulating land use on the subject property; the first PD, Planned Development District contains regulations adopted under The Reserve PD, Planned Development District (Highway 287 Sub-district) and the second PD, Planned Development District contains specific regulations for the construction and operation of a chemical plant only.


Mansfield 2040 Plan


Land Use Designation(s)

The land use designations for this property are Retail & Office and Mixed-Use Regional.


Mansfield 2040 Plan Goals and Strategies

MU.1(a): Integrate higher-intensity residential uses within mixed-use settings at intentional locations within the City.

MU.2(a): Encourage efficiently shared amenities between a variety of uses and users, including parking improvements, infrastructure, and open spaces.

MU.2(c): Establish a balanced and complementary mixture of uses within buildings and developments.

MU.3(a): Integrate public and private amenities aimed toward residents, businesses, and visitors.

RE.1(a): Market the City toward local, regional, and global partnerships in areas with appropriate context and infrastructure.
RE.2(b): Encourage local jobs by targeting employers that want the knowledge, skills, and talent of area residents.


The LINQ Special Area Plan

This development is within the LINQ, Corridor Mixed-Use designation along North U.S. Highway 287.


LQ.1: Capitalize on the intersection of location & opportunity.

LQ.3(a): Promote active transportation via safe and comfortable infrastructure for pedestrians and bicyclists.



The applicant is requesting to rezone the property from the two (2) PD, Planned Development Districts to the S, South Mansfield Form-based Development District on approximately 57.95 acres.


The S, South Mansfield Form-based Development District relies extensively on transect zones (e.g., T-3, T-4, T-5, and T-6) and special districts to establish the schedule of allowable uses and building design standards. The transect zone that directs this proposed development must be shown on the required special land assemblage plan. As a considerable portion of the property is located within 660 feet of U.S. Highway 287, additional building standards may be required to reinforce the vision for the development along the regional corridor --- including a minimum building height of four (4) stories.


Because the property is greater than two (2) acres in area, a development plan and a special land assemblage plan will be required. The development plan must be reviewed and approved by the City Council, and it will reinforce a pattern of development that is mixed-use vis-à-vis a required concept plan, phasing plan, and other project attributes that will achieve the community’s vision for sustainable growth. The special land assemblage plan ensures that the property is appropriately master-planned to produce a development that is pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use, and attractive and it is approved administratively by the Department of Planning and Development Services.


New development on the property (and any future renovation or redevelopment) must comply with the urban design and landscaping standards of the S, South Mansfield Form-based Development District. These urban design and landscaping standards will inform the required submittal of a special land assemblage plan as well as site plans and building plans.



The S, South Mansfield Form-based Development District provides a specific set of form-based development standards that enables and encourages a creative development that is mixed-use, connected, walkable and visually harmonious. The possible introduction of a range of residential options, neighborhood-oriented commercial and other related civic activities have the potential to create a dynamic locus of activity along U.S. Highway 287. As such, the presence of civic and passive spaces with public art and other amenities are highly encouraged.


Prepared By

Department of Planning and Development Services
