Ordinance - Public Hearing Continuation and Second and Final Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from PD, Planned Development District for Single-Family to PD, Planned Development District, for detached and attached single-family residential (row house) uses on approximately 11.621 acres out of the T. Hanks Survey, Abstract No. 644 and the M. Dickey Survey Abstract No. 1986 Tarrant County, TX, located at 801 Lillian Rd. and 1340 W. Broad St. Josephdam Real Estate, Developer (ZC#23-016)
Requested Action:
To consider the change of zoning request.
On June 24, 2024, the City Council met and approved the change in zoning request 7 to 0 advancing the case to the second and final reading.
During the public hearing, there was discussion about certain architectural and landscape features, that are generally described as: (i) minimum height for the first story of all dwelling units; (ii) minimum dimensions for posts; (iii) minimum height for front doors; and (iv) clarifying landscaping standards along Lillian Road and ensuring that the HOA will maintain such landscape areas.
Revisions have been made to the proposed PD, Planned Development District standards to reflect the direction and guidance provided by the City Council articulated above. Notwithstanding the discussion on architecture and landscape, other revisions have been made to the standards for clarification purposes.
The Department of Planning and Development Services recommends approval of the zoning change request, with the revisions as presented.
The Planning and Zoning Commission met on June 17, 2024, and voted 7 to 0 to recommend approval of the zoning change request.
Ayes: 7 - Mainer, Axen, Bennett, Goodwin, Moses, Shaw, and Thompson
Nays: 0
Absent: 0
Existing Use: Vacant
Existing Zoning: PD, Planned Development District for Single-Family Residential (with a base zoning of SF-7.5/18, Single-family Residential District uses) for Tract 3, Zoning Case No. 18-031
Mansfield 2040 Land Use Designation: Urban Neighborhood and Mixed-Use Local, Western Promise Special Area Plan
Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:
North: Vacant Commercial, PD, Planned Development District for C-2, Community Business District Uses (Tracts 1 and 2, Zoning Case No. 18-031)
South: Existing Single-Family Residential, PD, Planned Development District for Single-Family Residential (with a base zoning of SF 7.5/18, Single-Family Residential District uses, Zoning Case No. 18-031, Silver Oak)
East: Existing Single-Family Residential, PR, Pre-Development District (separated from site by existing drainage channel)
West: Existing Single-Family Residential, SF 7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District (separated by Lillian Road)
The requested zoning for this property --- PD, Planned Development District --- is consistent with the vision and recommendations found in the recently adopted Mansfield 2040 Plan. The subject property is designated as Urban Neighborhood and Mixed-Use Local and, as such, the proposed development envisions an intentional mix of detached single-family dwellings and attached single-family dwellings (i.e., row houses) of an appropriate intensity and scale that can transition into a future neighborhood node at the intersection of West Broad Street and Retta Road. Additionally, the development emphasizes placemaking and the pedestrian experience through public and private amenities. The project, if approved, could provide an excellent example of infill housing.
Mansfield 2040 Plan
Land Use Designation(s)
The land use designations for this property are Urban Neighborhood and Mixed-Use Local.
Goals and Strategies
NH.1: Encourage Inclusive Housing Options (Allows inclusive housing options: townhomes)
NH.2: Support Our Existing Neighborhoods (Establishes infill development that focuses on compatibility in scale and density with surrounding developments)
MU.1: Support Vibrant Intensity (Consider high-intensity residential developments when paired with horizontally integrated nonresidential)
The Western Promise Special Area Plan
This development is along the Urban Neighborhood Core along West Broad Street.
WP.1 Foster Complete Communities in Residential Neighborhoods and Mixed-Use Areas (c) Promote a wider variety of housing in the area.
The subject property consists of two (2) tracts of land located in Tarrant County totaling approximately 11.621 acres. The developer is proposing to build a maximum of 84 dwelling units. The current development proposes that 74 of those dwelling units be delivered as row houses with a maximum building height of three (3) stories; and that the remaining dwellings take the form of detached single-family residences with a maximum building height of two (2) stories. The detached single-family dwelling units are intended to be constructed along the southern boundary of the development and provide a suitable transition from the existing Silver Oaks Neighborhood to the row houses. All detached single-family units are served by J-swing style garages, thereby reducing the focus of a garage dominated front building façade.
The proposed row house portion of the development provides units that front on Retta Road and address the street with appropriate frontages (e.g., porches, stoops, dooryards or patios). The larger tract of the development is on the west side of Retta Road and has units that front on a significant neighborhood green space (i.e., mews) that connects future residents to future commercial opportunities along West Broad Street in the future. The units on the east side of Retta Road leverage existing terrain and natural features around the drainage channel along the eastern edge of the property. Much of this area is proposed to remain in its current condition, and allows for a landscape-based buffer to uses east of the development. All row house units are served by alley accessed garages.
The PD, Planned Development District Standards (Exhibit “C”), as proposed, provides architectural standards for building materials, architectural features, landscaping, and civic spaces.
The Department of Planning and Development Services --- in alignment with the Planning and Zoning Commission --- provided guidance and direction on urban design standards for this proposed development. From a land use and site planning standpoint, the project substantially meets contextual transitions between the existing single-family residential to the south while transitioning to future commercial opportunities further north along West Broad Street. However, the architectural design (i.e., building elevations) do not reinforce this contextually appropriate transition visually; and some of the architectural standards may unintentionally produce physical outcomes that may not be entirely in alignment with the guidance and direction provided, causing some concern.
The developer has provided updated elevations that demonstrate architectural standards for materials that are in greater alignment with exterior finishes found in the surrounding environs. This consists of predominately masonry (brick and stone) materials with stucco, cementitious board, and metal accents. This is a shift from the predominately stucco building façades provided previously. A list of example materials can be found after the renderings provided in Diagram 3 within the proposed PD, Planned Development District standards.
The developer has eliminated all rooftop deck areas in order to provide better privacy to surrounding homes and to address scale concerns with the roof top access points. Those private spaces have been replaced with third floor terraces. Gabled roofs have been provided to match those of the surrounding neighborhood (i.e., Silver Oak Addition).
A total of six (6) single-family home elevations have been provided to demonstrate unit diversity for the planned detached single-family lots along the southern edge of the development. In response to concerns from the abutting single-family residents, the lot dimensions have increased, decreasing the number of proposed units from 12 to 10 single-family lots.
Plat Review Committee (PRC):
The PRC is comprised of representatives from various departments with permitting jurisdiction over applications for development. The PRC verifies application completeness, compliance with city ordinances, and appropriate application of all design criteria. As the project moves through the process from conceptualization to entitlement, a drainage analysis will need to be provided to demonstrate the preliminary engineering assertion that the detention proposed on the western portion of the development can “over detain” and offset the need for improvements on the eastern half of the development.
Prepared By:
Arty Wheaton-Rodriguez
Assistant Director of Planning
Maps and Supporting Information
Exhibits A, B and D (Property Description, Development Plan, Elevations, Landscaping Plan)
Exhibit C (Planned Development Standards)