File #: 24-6003    Version: Name: Ordinance - Public Hearing Continuation and Second and Final Hearing on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from PR, Pre-Development District to PD, Planned Development District for Mixed Uses on Approximately 134.8 Acres of Land Situated in the J.
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 5/3/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/24/2024 Final action: 6/24/2024
Title: Ordinance - Public Hearing Continuation and Second and Final Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from PR, Pre-Development District to PD, Planned Development District for Mixed Uses on Approximately 134.8 Acres of Land Situated in the J. Lawrence Survey, Abstract No. 616, the M. Gregg Survey, Abstract No. 385, J. Lawrence Survey, Abstract No. 616, and the H. Henderson Survey, Abstract No. 432; City of Mansfield, Ellis County, Texas, Located Approximately 1500 Feet East of State Highway 360, South of Lone Star Road, and South of Britton Road (ZC#24-009)
Sponsors: Jason Alexander
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Maps and Supporting Information, 3. Exhibit A, 4. Exhibit B


Ordinance - Public Hearing Continuation and Second and Final Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from PR, Pre-Development District to PD, Planned Development District for Mixed Uses on Approximately 134.8 Acres of Land Situated in the J. Lawrence Survey, Abstract No. 616, the M. Gregg Survey, Abstract No. 385, J. Lawrence Survey, Abstract No. 616, and the H. Henderson Survey, Abstract No. 432; City of Mansfield, Ellis County, Texas, Located Approximately 1500 Feet East of State Highway 360, South of Lone Star Road, and South of Britton Road (ZC#24-009)


Requested Action

To consider the subject zoning change request.



The City Council met on May 13, 2024 and voted 7 to 0 to table review, consideration, and possible action on this zoning change request to June 10, 2024. Prior to voting to table, the City Council provided additional direction and guidance on the development regulations for the requested PD, Planned Development District.


The City Council met on June 10, 2024 and approved the zoning change request 7 to 0.


The Planning and Zoning Commission met on May 6, 2024 and voted 6 to 0 (with one absence) to recommend approval.


Ayes:       6 - Mainer, Axen, Goodwin, Thompson, Shaw, and Moses

Nays:       0

Abstain:   0

Absent:    1 - Bennett


The Department of Planning and Development Services recommends that the City Council approve the zoning change request to PD, Planned Development District as presented.



Existing Use:  Vacant and One (1) Existing Gas Well with Specific Use Permit.

Existing Zoning:  PR, Pre-Development District

Mansfield 2040 Land Use Designation:  Mixed-use Regional and Entertainment District Special Area Plan


Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:                     

North:                      Existing Large Lot Single-Family Home and Vacant, S, South Mansfield Form-Based Development Districts.

South:                     Vacant, PR, Pre-Development District and City Limits

East:                      Existing Single-Family Homes, SF-7.5 / 12, Single-family Residential District

West:                      Vacant, PR, Pre-Development District


Mansfield 2040 Plan Land Use Designation

The subject is property is designated as Mixed-use Regional, under the Mansfield 2040 Plan, and it is also located within the Special Area identified as the Entertainment District. As proposed, the development standards within the PD, Planned Development District intend to deliver a primarily residential urban fabric with a variety of housing types with limited mixed-use intentionally located along the future southern extension of Heritage Parkway.


Goals and Strategies

                     MU.1 - Support Vibrant Intensity: Integrate higher-intensity residential uses within mixed-use settings at intentional locations within the City.

                     MU.2 - Promote Quality Mixed-use Development: Encourage efficiently shared amenities between a variety of uses and users, including parking improvements, infrastructure, and open spaces.

                     MU.2 - Promote Quality Mixed-use Development: Establish a balanced and complementary mixture of uses within buildings and developments.

                     RE.2 - Expand Local Employment Opportunities: Integrate small-scale offices and businesses within proximity to residential developments.

                     RE.3 - Increase Neighborhood-Centered Retail: Remove barriers to infill neighborhood-serving retail and commercial establishments within residential areas.


Goals and Strategies (Specific to Entertainment District)

                     ED.2: Promote mixed-use nodes of development of varying intensities within the district that include a variety of appropriately scaled retail, dining, residential, and office uses.


Department of Planning and Development Services Analysis


Generally, the proposed PD, Planned Development District standards will deliver development and growth consistent with the land use policies, recommendations, and strategies contained within the Mansfield 2040 Plan for property designated as Mixed-use Regional and for property located within the Entertainment District. However, some of the provisions, as proposed, can be clarified and refined to ensure ease of interpretation and administration and deliver a predictable and expedient development review process.


The Site

Consisting of approximately 134.8 acres of land generally located to the east of State Highway 360, to the south of Lone Star Road, to the south of Britton Road, and to the east of the future extension of Heritage Parkway, this site is intended to be developed as a primarily residential urban fabric (i.e., the T-4 Transect Zone) with limited opportunities for mixed-use (i.e., the Enhanced Urban Edge or the T-4.5 Transect Zone).


The proposed PD, Planned Development District is generally based on the principles of form-based zoning (i.e., focusing development rules and regulations primarily on the form of buildings rather than the use of buildings and their lots).


Development Standards

As proposed, the development standards contained within this PD, Planned Development District are intended to support a range of land uses that are primarily residential in character (i.e., the “T-4 Transect Zone”) with a defined edge of commercial and / or mixed-use activity along the future extension of Heritage Parkway (i.e., the “T-4.5 Transect Zone” or the “Enhanced Urban Edge”). The intent of the PD, Planned Development District is to enable and to encourage “harmonious and coordinated development” and “walkable pedestrian environments that complement the existing housing stock by offering a variety of building types to serve mixed generations”.


The lot dimensions are generally regulated by EXHIBIT “A”, Building Standards; however, even with various lot dimensions, there are no minimum standards or maximum standards for development intensity or density.


Additionally, building height is also regulated by EXHIBIT “A”, Building Standards, with the maximum height of buildings within the proposed PD, Planned Development District being limited to four (4) stories.


The range of land uses proposed is generally consistent with --- and supportive of --- emerging environments that have buildings and activities of regional significance.


The development standards under the PD, Planned Development District --- as proposed --- have been clarified and refined to entirely achieve the desired (and intended) economic, physical, and social outcomes articulated in the Mansfield 2040 Plan, the City Council’s Strategic Priorities, and community expectations for development and growth.


In particular, those clarifications and refinements addressed (City Council direction and guidance provided on May 13, 2024):


•    Ensuring review processes are consistent with traditional policy and practice;

                     Ensuring references to other provisions in the Zoning Ordinance are accurate;

                     Ensuring building frontage standards are clearly defined;

                     Removing provisions for multi-family residential;

                     Providing minimum performance standards for manor houses;

                     Providing minimum performance standards for row houses;

                     Clarifying architectural standards;

                     Clarifying the schedule of allowable uses; and

                     Eliminating potential conflicts between the owners’ association and the standards that are proposed within the PD, Planned Development District.


Prepared By

Department of Planning and Development Services



Maps and Supporting Information


Exhibit A - Legal Description

Exhibit B - Draft PD, Planned Development District Standards and Diagrams