Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas Approving a Professional Services Contract Between the City of Mansfield, Texas and Parkhill, Inc. in an Amount Not to Exceed $250,000 for Landscape Architecture Services at the Hardy Allmon Soccer Complex; Finding That the Meeting at Which This Resolution is Passed is Open to the public as Required by Law; And Declaring an Effective Date (MPFDC Fund)
Requested Action
Consider Approving Professional Services Contract
Approve Resolution
Katherine Rose Memorial Park, a former pecan orchard named after the wife of the previous land owner, is a 31.29-acre park located at the intersection of Walnut Creek Drive and Smith Street. The park land was purchased in 1992 by the Mansfield Park Facilities Development Corporation (MPFDC) with proceeds from the half cent sales tax. The park was then developed and opened in 1996, in part with grant funding from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Hardy Allmon Soccer Complex is a 9.43-acre sports facility opened in 1984, and is located across Walnut Creek Drive from Rose Park. This park includes two soccer fields, two parking areas, and serves as a trail head for Walnut Creek Linear Trail (WCLT), which connects the two parks, via a crossing under Walnut Creek Drive Bridge.
Due to growing residential development, population growth, location along the WCLT, and proximity to Downtown Mansfield, these two parks are increasingly being utilized. To support this increased usage, these parks require rehabilitation and overall improvement of park amenities. The master plan for these parks was created and produced by Parkhill, Inc. in 2023. It outlines the future development of these parks, addressing needed infrastructure and recreational amenities within the combined 40.72-acre area of parkland. Parkhill performed a site opportunities evaluation, facilitated community input, and prepared the phased, master development plan.
A professional services contract was executed with Parkhill, Inc. in May 2023 in the amount of $711,563 for phase 1 improvements, including a new inclusive playground, pavilion and restroom facilities, along with realigned pedestrian and vehicular access points and parking areas, while maintaining the essence of the original park setting. Design work for these improvements has been completed, with $95,255.69 remaining on that contract.
The purpose of the attached proposal from Parkhill, Inc. is to provide design, engineering, and construction documents for the second phase of the park’s master planned redevelopment. The improvements will include basketball, sand volleyball, tennis and pickleball courts, as well as restrooms and pavilions on the south side of Magnolia Street. On the north side, the improvements will include a fitness plaza, 40-yard straight track, looped walking trail, restrooms and pavilions. The design phase is expected to take six months to complete. Following bidding and award, the construction of this phase of improvements is expected to take nine months.
Existing park amenities require updating, relocation, and renovation due to increased usage, flooding events, and for added safety. A master plan of Katherine Rose Memorial Park and Hardy Allmon Soccer Complex was finalized in February 2023. The approval of this professional services agreement is the next step in the redevelopment/renovation of the parks. The results of this agreement will provide direction and forward progression towards the design, engineering, and construction of proposed master planned amenities.
Funding Source
MPFDC 1/2 cent sales tax
Prepared By
Matt Young, Executive Director of Community Services