Ordinance - Public Hearing Continuation and Second and Final Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District, D, Downtown District (SD-1, Broad Street Corridor), and C-2, Community Business District to D, Downtown District, D3, Urban Center Zone on Approximately 10.52 Acres Total, Being Approximately 7.4 Acres on a Portion of Block 17 and a Portion of the John Collier Tract, Original Town of Mansfield and Being Approximately 3.12 Acres in Lot 1R1A, Block 1, Lee’s Broad Addition, located at 605 and 703 E. Broad Street; City of Mansfield, Applicant (ZC#24-007)
Requested Action
To consider the subject zoning change request.
The City Council met on June 24, 2024, and voted 7 to 0 to approve the zoning change at First Reading.
The Planning and Zoning Commission met on June 3, 2024, and voted 6 to 0 (with one absence) to recommend approval of the zoning change request.
Ayes: 6 - Mainer, Bennett, Goodwin, Moses, Shaw, and Thompson
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 - Axen
The Department of Planning and Development Services recommends approval of the zoning change as presented.
Existing Use: MISD Administration offices and a retail center
Existing Zoning: D, Downtown District, SD-1, Broad Street Corridor, SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District, and C-2, Community Business District
Mansfield 2040 Plan Land Use Designation: Public/Semi-Public and Mixed Use-Local
Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:
North - Vacant, Commercial and Church, C-2, Community Business District
South - Vacant, Single-Family Residential and Commercial, D, Downtown District and C-2, Community Business District
East - Church, C-2, Community Business District
West - Single-Family Residential and Commercial, D, Downtown District, SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District, and C-2, Community Business District
Thoroughfare Plan Specification:
East Broad Street - 4-lane divided major arterial street
North Walnut Creek Drive - 4-lane undivided major collector street
This is a request to rezone property from a variety of Euclidean-based zoning districts to the D, Downtown District (the D-3, Urban Center Zone) to support human-scaled and mixed-use development at the intersection of East Broad Street and Walnut Creek Drive. The request is consistent with the vision and the goals articulated in the Mansfield 2040 Plan and is also consistent with development patterns in the surrounding area.
Mansfield 2040 Plan
The Mixed-Use Local category is intended to provide for low- to medium-scale development that supports mixing uses within the same lot or project. Residential and nonresidential uses may be vertically mixed on different building floors or horizontally incorporated next to one another in separate or shared structures. Residential uses should be designed to support nonresidential functions, and vice versa; site access and circulation conditions should promote the shared use of utilities, parking, and common areas.
The Public/Semi-Public category identifies Mansfield's civic facilities and educational institutions. These areas are intended to support municipal services, such as utility distribution and management, and Mansfield Independent School District (“MISD”) properties. Public/Semi-Public spaces serve residents locally and Citywide. Private development within this category is not anticipated; however, if partnerships are formed between public and private interests, development should remain compatible with local properties and meet the needs of Mansfield's residents.
Land Use Designation(s)
The land use designations for this property are Public/Semi-Public and Mixed-Use Local.
Goals and Strategies
MU.1(a): Integrate higher-intensity residential uses within mixed-use settings at intentional locations within the City.
MU.1(b): Ensure mixed-use development provides residents and visitors with active lifestyle options, including pedestrian-oriented urban design, integrated gathering spaces, and connections to the outdoors.
MU.3(a): Integrate public and private amenities aimed toward residents, businesses, and visitors.
MU.3(b): Utilize mixed-use applications around existing neighborhoods to provide local destinations and services.
Downtown Special Area Plan
This property is also located within the Downtown Special Area Plan.
DD.1(c): Identify locations for additional small gathering spaces in Downtown.
DD.2(b): Identify opportunities for infill and redevelopment projects and preservation of the historic aesthetic that support the Downtown vision.
The subject property consists of two (2) parcels, totaling acres 10.52 acres on the northwest and northeast corners at the intersection of East Broad Street and North Walnut Creek Drive that have the potential to be redeveloped into restaurant, retail, and other related uses that are locally- and regionally-serving.
The property on the northwest corner is approximately 7.4 acres, and currently serves as the MISD administrative offices. The property contains two (2) historic landmark buildings in addition to several smaller buildings. This property is the future home of the Geyer Commons project, a mixed-use development includes diverse shops and restaurants in relocated and / or reconstructed historic homes, an artisan market and business incubator, and unique public spaces for gathering and play.
The property on the northeast corner, excluding the Sonic Restaurant and two office buildings on the hard corner, is occupied by a 1980s retail center. The building is mainly vacant, as MISD began plans to convert the building for additional office space. The Dollar General store and Mansfield Mission Thrift Store are still in operation.
The proposed zoning change to D, Downtown District (the D-3, Urban Center Zone) supports the Mansfield 2024 Plan by establishing a mixed-use area that allows the greatest variety of uses. The character of this zone consists of attached buildings that form a continuous street wall and accommodate diverse entertainment, multi-family residential, office, restaurant, and retail. The D-3 zone has the highest pedestrian and transit activities; and trees and public lighting are within the public right-of-way.
The requested zoning supports the Geyer Commons project as well as a possible redevelopment of the aging retail center property to create more compact, attractive, walkable destinations that will anchor the eastern edge of the Downtown District.
As this is a request to rezone to a base zoning district --- the D, Downtown District --- site plans and building plans are not required; the provisions for land use and urban design are all provided for within Section 155.072 of the Mansfield Zoning Ordinance for the D, Downtown District.
Prepared By
Art Wright, AICP
Planning Manager, Long-Range Planning