Resolution - A Resolution Authorizing the Director of Public Works to Submit a Grant Application to the North Central Texas Council of Government (NCTCOG) for Grant Funds to Purchase Equipment to be Used for Processing and/or Storing HHW; and Authorizing the Director of Public Works to Execute an Interlocal Agreement With the NCTCOG if the Application is Approved. $96,000 for Drainage Utility Fund, No Matching Funds Required
Requested Action
The approval of a resolution to apply for grant funds to purchase new equipment to be used for processing and/or storing HHW collected at the new HHW Collection facility to be built on the Service Center Property.
The Environmental Staff recommends the approval of the resolution to apply for grant funds to be used to purchase equipment for processing and storing HHW in the amount of $96,000. This will cover the cost of purchase a shipping for 3 used oil storage containers, a forklift, an EPA approved/fire rated HAZMAT storage building, and paint can crusher.
The City of Mansfield began offering the HHW collection service to residents in 2002. That first, only 52 households participated. The mobile collection service was added the following year and participation jumped to 112, with 77 of those households showing up for the mobile collection.
As the City has continued to offer this very well appreciated service, participation has continued to grow. For 2013, 661 households participated with 375 of those doing so through one of the 3 mobile collections. A well developed trend since the beginning of this service is that participation increases with the mobile collections. Having a facility for dropoff in city limits should only allow this trend to continue. Additionally, with an on site dropoff location, there will no longer be a constraint on space meaning every vehicle that shows up during the operating hours will be serviced.
Purchasing this equipment through grant funds will allow the City to continue to offer excellent service to our residents while restraining the costs to the City's budget, allowing the City to use those funds for other purposes.
The final grant amount may be less once other quotes have been received for bidding purposes. This grant program is funded by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality from a $1 fee for every ton of material that is placed in a Texas Landfill and passed through the different regions of Texas by the council of governments. The grant is 100% reimbursable, there is no required match.
A Resolution is attached for Council's consideration.
Funding Source
The funding source will be the Drainage Utility Funds.
Prepared By
Howard Redfearn, Environmental Manager
Steve Freeman, Public Works Director will be in attendance