Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving an Advance Funding Agreement Between the City of Mansfield, Texas and The Texas Department of Transportation in an Amount Not to Exceed $112,033 for the Design and Construction of the HSIP Walnut Creek Drive Signal Improvements (Debbie Lane to Saving Place Drive); Finding That The Meeting At Which This Resolution Is Passed Is Open To The Public As Required By Law; And Declaring An Effective Date (Street Bond Fund)
Requested Action
Consider the Resolution approving the Advance Funding Agreement.
Approval of the Resolution.
The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is a federally grant program managed by TxDOT. HSIP, directed by Texas’ Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), works to achieve the main objective of significantly reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads by providing a standardized approach for identifying and reviewing specific traffic safety concerns throughout the State. The City of Mansfield applied for grant money in 2024 and was awarded funds. The grant will provide 85% of the funding for a project through federal funds and a 15% local match is required.
The City of Mansfield, in collaboration with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), has identified existing traffic signals needing significant improvements to aid driver visibility upon approach, reduce dilemma zones for vehicles, and support the city in monitoring the state and network timing of all intersections along Walnut Creek Drive (Debbie Lane to Saving Place Drive). In response to this issue, installing new retroreflective back plates, vehicle detection devices, and GPS clocks have been proposed to mitigate these concerns. These proposed improvements aim to enhance safety for all users, reduce potential intersection collisions, and efficiently monitor and adjust signal timing as necessary throughout the corridor.
The Draft Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) facilitates the design development of the proposed HSIP for Walnut Creek Drive Signal Improvements (Debbie Lane to Saving Place Drive). This collaboration ensures the project aligns with TxDOT's standards, contributing to regional mobility and safety. A copy of the agreement in its substantially final form is attached.
The total estimated design and construction cost is $715,877. The City’s cost is anticipated to be $112,033 for design and payment of state direct costs for engineering review, inspection and general oversight. Federal and state participation will be $603,844. The City will also be responsible for any cost overruns.
This agreement will help facilitate the funding for this project that will construct new retroreflective back plates, vehicle detection devices, and GPS clocks. These proposed improvements aim to enhance safety for all users, reduce potential intersection collisions, efficiently monitor and adjust signal timing as necessary throughout the corridor.
The Director of Engineering Services will attend the meeting to answer Council’s questions.
Funding Source
Street Bond Fund
Prepared By
Taylor Derden P.E., ENV SP, Transportation and Mobility Engineer, Engineering Services Department., 817-276-4249