Ordinance - Public Hearing Continuation and Second and Final Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from A, Agricultural District to PD, Planned Development District for Single-Family Residential Uses on Approximately 3.13 Acres Located at 880 Turner Way; SPAPS, LLC, Owner, and HCE, Inc., Engineer (ZC#23-007)
Requested Action
To consider the subject zoning change request.
On March 18, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing on the change of zoning request from A, Agricultural District to PD, Planned Development District. At the March 18, 2024, meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted to table (see below) action on this change of zoning request to allow the neighboring residents, the Developer, and the Department of Planning and Development Services to conduct a town hall and collaborate on a development plan that will best serve the existing and future vision for undeveloped properties in the area.
The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6 to 0 (with one absence) to table.
Ayes: 6 - Mainer, Axen, Goodwin, Bennett, Shaw, and Moses
Nays: 0
Abstain: 0
Absence: 1 - Thompson
The town hall was held on April 9, 2024. The considerations discussed and agreed to are reflected in the revisions to the proposed PD, Planned Development District standards.
On April 15, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission continued the public hearing and voted 4 to 0 (with three absences) to recommend approval of the change of zoning request based on the revised exhibits and PD, Planned Development District standards that resulted from the town hall.
Ayes: 4 - Mainer, Axen, Bennett, and Moses
Nays: 0
Abstain: 0
Absence: 3 - Goodwin, Shaw, and Thompson
The Department of Planning and Development Services recommends approval of the requested change of zoning --- with the revisions to the proposed PD, Planned Development District as prepared and presented by the neighboring residents, the Developer, and the Department of Planning and Development Services collaboratively and collectively.
First Reading
The City Council met on May 13, 2024, and voted 6 to 0 to approve the zoning change at First Reading.
Existing Use: Single-family residence
Existing Zoning: A, Agricultural District
Mansfield 2040 Plan Land Use Designation: Suburban Neighborhood
Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:
North - City of Arlington, religious assembly and single-family residential
South - Vacant, PR, Pre-Development District
East - Single-family residential, SF-12/22, Single-family Residential District
West - Agricultural, A, Agricultural District
Thoroughfare Plan Specification:
Turner Way - Two-lane local street
Turner Warnell Road - Six-lane divided arterial street
Mansfield 2040 Plan Land Use Designation
The requested zoning for this property --- PD, Planned Development District --- is consistent with the vision and recommendations found in the recently adopted Mansfield 2040 Future Land Use Plan. The subject property is designated as Suburban Neighborhood. The Suburban Neighborhood category encompasses Mansfield's traditional housing stock and neighborhoods. Residential developments within this category are intended to take a more structured form, with consistent block lengths and setbacks.
Mansfield 2040 Goals and Strategies
NH.2: Support Our Existing Neighborhoods (Allows for contextual infill housing developments within established neighborhoods)
NH.3: Plan for Livable Neighborhoods (Promote the inclusion of pedestrian connections in the neighborhood)
Department of Planning and Development Services Analysis
The subject property is approximately 3.13 acres of land located on the northern municipal limits of Mansfield. The site is surrounded by lots or tracts with an area of 12,000 square feet or larger to the east, west and south. Across Turner Way is a place for religious assembly in the City of Arlington.
Site Design
The site is generally designed in a way that: (i) allows for the single-family residential lots to front an elongated mews and (ii) allows for a street connection on the south side of the proposed development to provide intentional access to the properties to the west vis-à-vis a slip road from Turner Warnell Road. The slip road can be extended as the adjacent properties develop to provide access to Turner Warnell Road and establish pedestrian-centered and pedestrian-focused patterns of development that are consistent with complete neighborhoods (e.g., residential and limited commercial uses necessary for the ordinary activities of daily living co-existing in adjacency to each other).
Original Development Standards
As presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 18, 2024, the development standards proposed 17 single-family residential lots with no minimum lot depth or width requirements to allow a variety of lot sizes. The proposed minimum floor area for the residences was 1,600 square feet. Within the development, 13 lots would face a landscaped mews, a central feature of the neighborhood. The four (4) remaining lots in the corners of the development faced the outer streets of Turner Way and Turner Warnell Road. All residences had a side or rear entry garage served by an alley.
Building scale and orientation are controlled by the PD, Planned Development District standards. All residences were proposed to be a maximum of three (3) stories, with outbuildings limited to a maximum of two (2) stories.
Building frontages must be provided on all residences. There were three (3) permitted building frontages:
1. Porch and fence;
2. Dooryard; and
3. Stoop.
Concerning parking, each residence would have two (2) off-street parking spaces accessed from the alleys. Additionally, two (2) small parking lots were proposed on Alleys A and B to accommodate visitors to the neighborhood and even encourage a measure of attainable housing to expand housing options and variety, also in accordance with the vision encapsulated in the Mansfield 2040 Plan.
Town Hall Meeting (April 9, 2024)
Coordinated by the Department of Planning and Development Services, the neighboring residents and the Developer convened in a town hall to discuss and address concerns about the requested change of zoning. Prior to the town hall, the neighboring residents and the Developer agreed in principle on the following considerations at the public hearing conducted by the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 18, 2024:
• Reduce the maximum number of principal dwelling units to be designed and constructed;
• Reduce the maximum building height from three (3) stories to two (2) stories; and
• Increase the minimum habitable area of the principal dwelling units.
Notwithstanding the considerations agreed to in principle on March 18, 2024 --- at the conclusion of the town hall --- the Developer also agreed to (among other clarifications and revisions to ensure a visually harmonious and aesthetically pleasing residential community):
• To limit the total number of principal dwellings to be designed and constructed to 12;
• To increase the minimum habitable area of each principal dwelling to 3,000 square feet;
• To construct at least four (4) principal dwellings with a minimum habitable area of 4,000 square feet;
• To provide an additional frontage type (i.e., forecourt);
• To provide a minimum of two (2) covered parking spaces (i.e., garage) for each principal dwelling;
• To provide at least two (2) pocket parks (in addition to the mews); and
• To provide an activated retention pond.
The aforementioned considerations are all reflected within the revised PD, Planned Development District standards requested to guide and direct future development on the property.
Plat Review Committee (PRC)
The thoroughfares must comply with the dimensional standards of the City of Mansfield as reviewed by the PRC. The thoroughfares must include on-street parking as appropriate for visitors to the neighborhood.
The proposed PD, Planned Development District provides the City with additional residential options on Turner Way. The development standards provide a predictable development pattern with residences oriented on a central green space. Further, the proposed development will also provide elevated standards for architecture, landscaping, and other public realm amenities that will positively influence adjacent properties.
Prepared By
Art Wright, AICP
Planning Manager, Long Range Planning