Ordinance - Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from C-2, Community Business District to PD, Planning Development District for Senior Independent Living and Ground-Floor Commercial Uses on Approximately 8.08 Acres Generally Located South of Turner Warnell Road and Approximately 500 Feet East of FM 157 on Property Addressed at 1420 Turner Warnell Rd.; Riverbend Village Partners, LLC, Developer, Arrive Architecture Group, Architect (ZC#23-013)
The Planning and Zoning Commission met on October 16, 2023, and voted 4 to 1 to recommend approval of the zoning change request with the following conditions:
1) Remove the gates to increase connectivity and walkability;
2) Review the site with staff for walkability enhancements; and
3) Provide more architectural variety for the courtyard.
Ayes: 4 - Mainer, Axen, Bennett, and Thompson
Nays: 1 - Moses
Absent: 2 - Goodwin and Shaw
The Department of Planning and Development Services recommends that the public hearing and first reading of this case be tabled at 3:00 p.m. --- the City Council’s first meeting --- until 6:00 p.m., the second meeting on November 13, 2023, to better accommodate all wishing to speak on this matter.
Existing Use: Vacant
Existing Zoning: C-2, Community Business District
Land Use Plan: Sub-Area 5
Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:
North - Vacant, residential and industrial in the City of Arlington
South - Single-family residential, SF-7.5/16, Single Family Residential District
East - Single-family residential, SF-7.5/16, Single Family Residential District
West - Retail commercial/restaurant, C-2, Community Business District
Thoroughfare Plan Specification:
Turner Warnell Road - 4-lane undivided major arterial street
Changes since the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting
In response to the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommended conditions of approval, the applicant has made the following changes to the development plan to address these items:
1) The proposed walking trail has been extended to encircle the complex. Previously, the trail was limited to the east side of the property. The trail is shown on Exhibit D-1.
2) Connections have been provided through the site to the sidewalk on Turner Warnell Road and to the commercial development to the west. The plan allows for a future third connection to the west if the existing commercial property is redeveloped under the neighborhood design standards. The connections are shown on Exhibits B and D.
3) More masonry materials and architectural enhancements have been added to the central courtyard to enhance the architectural character of the elevations. The revised courtyard elevations are shown on Exhibit C.
The applicant is requesting a zoning change from C-2, Community Business District to PD, Planned Development District on approximately 8.08 acres to accommodate a vertical mixed-use development that will provide for senior housing with ground-floor commercial uses serving the residents of the development and the general public.
Staff Analysis
The applicant is proposing the construction of a new 202-unit senior housing complex with approximately 9,000 square feet of ground-floor commercial uses on approximately 8.08 acres. As proposed, the development will consist of one building with building frontages for most ground level units (e.g., dooryards or stoops) on the sides and rear of the building. The ground floor on the front of the building houses the commercial space and facility clubhouse. Parking for the residents and visitors to the commercial spaces is located around the building and well-defined pedestrian ways have been provided.
Site Plan
The site plan proposes the construction of a new four-story mixed-use building inspired by similar in Norton Commons, a traditional neighborhood development in Prospect, Kentucky. Within Norton Commons, the developers behind the community envisioned an opportunity for seniors to be integrated economically, physically, and socially into the urban fabric through vertical mixed-use opportunities that incorporate residential and commercial activities.
Towards that end, building frontages are provided for ground floor dwelling units, leading to pedestrian paths through the property and into the adjacent commercial development to the west. The north façade houses 9,000 square feet of commercial space, with storefront treatments. To complement the commercial uses, a 2,300 square foot outdoor dining patio has been provided. The permitted uses for the commercial space are neighborhood services for the residents of the building and surrounding subdivision. The list of uses is shown on Exhibit B --- and are consistent with both the discussions emerging from the Future Land Use Plan (i.e., the Mansfield 2040 Plan) and the discussions surrounding the proposed introduction of a new Section 155.057, Neighborhood Design Standards, that support traditional neighborhood design.
The developer has acquired vacant property from the Golden Chick lot to the west. This additional land allows the building to be located further away from the adjacent residential lots. This reduces the visual impact of the building to the neighborhood.
The main entrance to the proposed development will be from Turner Warnell Road. A second point of access will be provided from through the shopping center to the west. Parking is provided around the building, with carports available for the residents.
The building is constructed with brick and fiber cement panels and siding. The exterior, outward facing walls are at least 75 percent masonry, as noted on Exhibit C. The walls are articulated with projecting balconies on the upper stories, with dooryards or stoops for the ground floor dwelling units. To provide some privacy for the residential lots to the east, no balconies are permitted on the fourth floor on the east façade.
A combination of canopy and ornamental trees, shrubs and a wrought iron fence will be installed along the south and each property lines. Landscaping is also provided along the front and in the parking lots. In addition, the clubhouse features a small event lawn with a fountain, and a walking trail is provided at the southeast corner of the property. These are shown on Exhibit D.
The property is currently zoned C-2, Community Business District, which promotes the development of a typical retail center with outparcel sites. The proposed development will provide a transition from the existing commercial uses west of the property to the neighborhood to the south and east. Additionally, the proposed project offers a new housing option for seniors and expands housing options within Mansfield, while introducing neighborhood oriented commercial on the ground floor of the building. Finally, the project also supports the vision and the goals emerging from the Mansfield 2040 Plan and the proposed Section 155.057, Neighborhood Design Standards.
Prepared By
Art Wright, AICP, Principal Planner