ZC#22-020: Public hearing for a zoning change from SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District and PD, Planned Development District to D, Downtown District, D-1-,(Sub-Urban Zone) on approximately 1.460 acres located at 505 W. Kimball St., 506 W. Kimball St., and 509 Alvarado St.; Benjamin Hartman, owner.
Existing Use: Residential and vacant
Existing Zoning: SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District and PD, Planned Development District
Land Use Plan: Sub-Area 3
Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:
North - SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District
South - PD Planned Development District, and SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District
East - D, Downtown District (D-1, Sub-Urban Zone) 2F, Two Family Residential District
West - SF-7.5/12, Single-family residential and PD, Planned Development District
The proposed rezoning is consistent with the Official Land Use Plan and compatible with the surrounding land uses.
Staff Analysis
The subject property consists of three (3) lots totaling 1.460 acres. The applicant currently lives in a new house on the northern-most lot and is seeking flexible development provisions to introduce new housing opportunities on the remaining lots. The current zoning for the property is SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District.
The applicant is requesting the D, Downtown District, D-1 Sub-Urban Zone classification for the property. The D-1 zone consists of “residential areas with some commercial and mixed-use activity adjacent to higher intensity zone”. The character of the D-1 Zone consists of “detached single-family buildings surrounded by lawns and landscaped yards with limited office”.
The D-1 zone is compatible with the surrounding uses and its provisions allow flexibility for new development (i.e., infill) and the redevelopment of older structures. Any new construction on either tract must comply with the architectural design and landscaping standards of the D, Downtown District. A building plan and site plan approved by Staff will be required prior to plat approval or issuance of a building permit.
The property falls within the Sub-Area 3 of the Official Land Use Plan. In this Sub-area, more opportunities exist for mixed uses in the downtown core/heart of the City. It also encourages continued and intentional efforts to preserve the Historic Downtown and associated residential properties in close proximity.
This property is located next to single-family uses to the north and west and D-1 zoning to the east and some parts of the south. The property is also located near West-Broad and South-Main Street. This section of West-Broad Street is under study for possible inclusion into the D, Downtown District in order to encourage a diverse and balanced mix of uses in support of nurturing and sustaining the Historic Downtown as the traditional center for business and culture.
The property is currently zoned SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential, and rezoning it to the D, Downtown District (D-1, Sub-Urban Zone), will not be a deviation from the land use plan especially with the properties on West-Broad Street under exploration for inclusion into the D, Downtown District and its proximity to existing D-1 zones in the surrounding area.
Staff recommends approval.
Maps and Supporting Information
Exhibit A