Resolution - A Resolution Awarding a Contract for the Construction of the Shadow Oaks Neighborhood Drainage Improvements to Tex-Pro Construction LLC and Authorizing Funding for an Amount Not to Exceed $208,080.40 (Drainage Utility Fund)
Requested Action
Approve the Resolution awarding the contract to construct Shadow Oaks Neighborhood Drainage Improvements to Tex-Pro LLC and authorize funding for the same project.
Complaints of flooding through several properties and homes in this area have been received for many years. Homeowners have spent several thousands of dollars attempting to control the issue. Adjacent City projects have constructed solutions as well, but none of the work to date has resolved the flooding.
The source of flooding is several acres of undeveloped property north of the subdivision that was not accounted for in the initial drainage design. No appropriate overflows were constructed with the subdivision, and none currently exists. This project will resolve the offsite flooding issues, and provide a means for future development of the currently vacant land to enter the underground drainage system.
This project was designed to control runoff from the undeveloped land generally located south of Turner Warnell Rd, east of Callendar Rd, and north of Majestic Oaks Ct.
The project was bid on November 17, 2022 and there were seven bidders for the project. Bids ranged from a low bid of $174,768.00 to a high bid of $506,869.00. The bid tabulation is attached. The low bidder was Tex-Pro Construction, LLC. The contract time for this project is Sixty (60) working days or approximately 3 months.
The requested funds are for a construction contract in the amount of $174,768.00, a 5% construction contingency, material testing, survey, and other miscellaneous services needed to complete the construction of the project within a budget not to exceed $208,080.40.
Tex-Pro Construction LLC has completed smaller projects on behalf of the City in the past. Tex-Pro Construction LLC has also completed projects of similar scale as a subcontractor within the City. The Environmental Department is confident Tex-Pro Construction LLC is capable of successful completion of this project.
The Environmental Manager will be in attendance at the meeting to answer Council’s questions regarding the proposed contract. A resolution is attached for Council’s consideration.
Funding Source
Drainage Utility Fund.
Prepared By
Howard Redfearn, Environmental Manager 817-276-4247