File #: 24-6048    Version: Name: Ordinance - Public Hearing Continuation and Second and Final Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District to PD, Planned Development District for Detached Single-Family Residential Uses on approxi
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 6/6/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 7/8/2024 Final action: 7/8/2024
Title: Ordinance - Public Hearing Continuation and Second and Final Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District to PD, Planned Development District for Detached Single-Family Residential Uses on approximately 0.783 acres located at 509 W. Kimball Street; Avante Procurement LLC, Owner; First Choice Builders, Developer (ZC#24-001)
Sponsors: Jason Alexander
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Maps and Supporting Information, 3. Exhibits A - C


Ordinance - Public Hearing Continuation and Second and Final Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District to PD, Planned Development District for Detached Single-Family Residential Uses on approximately 0.783 acres located at 509 W. Kimball Street; Avante Procurement LLC, Owner; First Choice Builders, Developer (ZC#24-001)


Requested Action

To consider the subject zoning change request.



The City Council met on June 24, 2024, and voted 7 to 0 to approve the zoning change at First Reading, with the condition that vinyl siding be prohibited.


The Planning and Zoning Commission met on June 3, 2024, and voted 6 to 0 (with one absence) to recommend approval of the zoning change request.



Ayes:                     6 - Mainer, Bennett, Goodwin, Moses, Shaw, and Thompson

Nays:                     0

Absent:                      1 - Axen


The Department of Planning and Development Services recommends approval of the zoning change as presented.




Existing Use: Vacant

Existing Zoning: SF-7.5/12, Single Family Residential District

Mansfield 2040 Plan Land Use Designation: Urban Neighborhood


Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:

North                      -                      Right-of-Way, West Kimball Street

South                      -                      Residential, PD, Planned Development District for Detached Single Family Residential

East                     -                      Residential, D, Downtown District

West                      -                      Residential, PD, Planned Development District for Detached Single Family


Thoroughfare Plan Specification:

West Kimball Street - Residential Street



The applicant requested a change of zoning on an approximately 0.783-acre property. The request is to rezone it from SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District to PD, Planned Development District for detached single-family residences. As proposed, the development would consist of two (2) lots for detached single-family residences.


The requested zoning for this property --- PD, Planned Development District --- is consistent with the vision and recommendations found in the recently adopted Mansfield 2040 Future Land Use Plan. The subject property is designated as Urban Neighborhood. The Urban Neighborhood category encompasses Mansfield's traditional housing stock and neighborhoods. Residential developments within this category should focus more on compatibility in scale and density with surrounding developments.


Mansfield 2040 Plan


Land Use Designation(s)

The land use designation for this property is Urban Neighborhood.


Goals and Strategies

NH.2(a) - Support Our Existing Neighborhoods: Allow for contextual infill housing developments within established neighborhoods.




The subject property is currently a vacant 0.783-acre residential lot on the south side of West Kimball Street. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the current residential lot into two (2) single family residential lots to build two (2) detached homes.


The lot is currently zoned as SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District, which has a minimum lot width of 65 feet and a minimum lot depth of 110 feet; and a minimum lot area of 7,500 square feet. The current lot is approximately 116 feet in width, which would not allow the applicant to subdivide the property into two (2) lots to meet the minimum requirements (i.e., lot dimensional standards) of that SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District.


As proposed, the development will create two (2) lots --- each with a minimum lot width of 50 feet; a minimum lot depth of 110 feet; and a minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet. Each home must have a floor area of at least 1,800 square feet with a minimum of two (2) off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit that are located within a garage. The following proposed requirements are consistent with the dimensional standards provided in Section 155.055 (B)(1) of the Mansfield Zoning Ordinance for the SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District:


                     Front Building Setback - 25 feet

                     Rear Building Setback - 15 feet

                     Side Yard Setback - 5 feet

                     Maximum Lot Coverage - 45 percent

                     Maximum Height - 35 feet


The homes would primarily draw architectural inspiration from Craftsman Style --- and some Contemporary influences--- with at least 70 percent of the exterior materials comprised of wood and / or cementitious fiber board. Vinyl siding has been removed as a permitted exterior finish, and specifically prohibited.


Each dwelling is required to have a front porch that is a minimum of seven (7) feet in depth and a minimum of 70 square feet in area. Openings for windows visible from the street are required to be wood, have an appearance similar to wood, or be covered with vinyl or aluminum cladding. The following design standards --- as proposed under this PD, Planned Development District --- are consistent with the regulations in Section 155.056 (D) of the Mansfield Zoning Ordnance:


                     Minimum roof pitch of 8:12

                     The roof must use three (3) dimensional architectural shingles



The proposed PD, Planned Development District, will provide for the development of two (2) detached single-family residences at the edge of Downtown Mansfield. The development standards --- while modifying certain dimensional provisions --- meet or exceed the minimum regulations of the current zoning on this property with the exception of the lot width, necessitating a request for a zoning change from the SF-7.5/12, Single-Family Residential District to PD, Planned Development District.


Prepared By

Shirley Emerson

Planner I




Maps and Supporting Information

Exhibits A - C