Ordinance - Public Hearing Continuation and Second and Final Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from MF-2, Multi-Family Residential District, C-2, Community Business District and PD, Planned Development District to S, South Mansfield Form Based Development District on approximately 42.983 acres, generally located on the northwest corner of FM 917 and Klein Tools Boulevard and east and south of S 2nd Avenue.; Set/Back Partners., applicant (ZC#23-023)
Requested Action
To consider the subject zoning change request.
Actions and Recommendations
On January 8, 2024, the City Council met and approved the change in zoning request 7 to 0.
The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on December 4, 2023 and voted 6-0 (with one absence) to recommend approval of the zoning change request.
Ayes: 6 -Mainer, Thompson, Axen, Bennett, Moses, and Shaw
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 - Goodwin
The Department of Planning and Development Services recommends approval.
Existing Use: Vacant, Multi-Family Residential, and Commercial
Existing Zoning: MF-2, Multi-Family Residential District, C-2, Community Business District and PD, Planned Development District
Mansfield 2040 Plan: Commercial and Light Industrial
Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:
North - Warehouse and Industrial Use, I-2, Heavy Industrial District
South - Vacant, PD, Planned Development District
East - Single Family Residential, PD, Planned Development District
West - Vacant, I-1, Light Industrial District, C-2, Community Business District and PD, Planned Development District
Thoroughfare Plan Specification:
Farm-to-Market (F.M.) Road 917 - 6-lane divided arterial street.
Klein Tools Boulevard - 4-lane divided arterial street.
South Second Avenue - 3-lane undivided minor collector
The applicant is requesting to rezone the property from MF-2, Multi-Family Residential District, C-2, Community Business District, and PD, Planned Development District to the S, South Mansfield Form-based Development District, on approximately 42.983 acres to accommodate a new mixed-use development along F.M. Road 917. The Department of Planning and Development Services recommends approval.
Staff Analysis
The primary intent of the S, South Mansfield Form-based Development District, is to enable and to encourage a development pattern that is compact, mixed-use, walkable, and sustainable. To that end, the S, South Mansfield Form-based Development District is structured using the principles and practices of the rural-to-urban transect that, as used in this zoning district, create predictable urbanism by regulating building form and design.
The subject property consists of 42.983 acres located within the Western Promise. The Western Promise is envisioned to be multi-generational and a compatible compilation of neighborhoods that serve a wide range of local commercial and business needs and provide an expanded offering of residential products. As proposed, the property will be developed for a variety of uses, including residential, commercial, and entertainment. It is expected that the design of the site and the arrangement of buildings will create a mixed-use destination that is focused on distinct architecture and complementary amenities.
Because the property is greater than two (2) acres in area, a special land assemblage plan and a development agreement will be required. The special land assemblage plan ensures that the property is appropriately master-planned to produce a development that is pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use, and attractive and is approved administratively by the Department of Planning and Development Services. The development agreement must be reviewed, considered, and approved by the City Council, and it is intended to reinforce a pattern of development that is mixed-use and will achieve the community’s vision for sustainable growth.
The S, South Mansfield Form-based Development District relies extensively on transect zones and special districts to establish the allowable uses and building design standards. The transect zone that directs this proposed development must be shown on the required special land assemblage plan.
New development on the property (and any future renovation or redevelopment) must comply with the urban design and landscaping standards of the S, South Mansfield Form-based Development District. These urban design and landscaping standards will inform the required submittal of a special land assemblage plan as well as site plans and building plans.
A site plan and building plan is required prior to plat approval or the issuance of a building permit, as provided for in Section 155.111 of the Mansfield Code of Ordinances.
The Mansfield 2040 Future Land Use Plan designates the subject property as Commercial and Light Industrial. Multi-Family, High-Intensity uses within this future land use designation should be subordinate to commercial uses. Concept plans for this proposed rezoning include a variety of uses, including residential, commercial, and entertainment that will create a mixed-use destination focused on distinct architecture and complementary amenities. If the change in zoning request is approved, it will not require an amendment or change of land use designation on the future land use map in the Mansfield 2040 Plan.
The S, South Mansfield Form-based Development District provides a specific set of form-based development standards that enables and encourages a creative development that is mixed-use, connected, walkable and visually harmonious. The possible introduction of a range of residential options, neighborhood-oriented commercial and other related civic activities have the potential to create a dynamic locus of activity that will start to attract interest and investment to the Western Promise.
Prepared By
Helina Sarkodie-Minkah, Planner I