Preliminary Plat of Cipriani, Phases 1 - 5, on Approximately 517.167 Acres Generally Located West of FM 157/Lone Star Road, South of Bedford Street, North of County Road 515, and East of County Road 617, in the Mansfield Exterritorial Jurisdiction; Cipriani Island Laguna Azure, LLC, Owner/Developer, and McAdams Co., Engineer (SD#24-053)
Requested Action
To consider the subject plat.
The plat meets the requirements of the Subdivision Control Ordinance except for Section 2.03(D)(4) as described below. The Department of Planning and Development Services recommends approval of the plat with the following condition:
• Conceptual approval from the Texas Department of Transportation for the alignment and right-of-way width of FM 157 must be provided prior to the developer submitting a final plat.
The purpose of this preliminary plat is to establish a subdivision plan for 1,290 single-family residential lots, two multi-family residential lots, and 47 open space lots across 517.167 acres. The property is in Johnson County within the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction. Although the property is outside the city limits, it must adhere to Mansfield’s Subdivision Control Ordinance. There is no zoning designation for the property.
The preliminary plat generally complies with the Subdivision Control Ordinance, with the following exception:
Section 2.03(D)(4) - The developer is required to submit a preliminary plan showing all access points to the subdivision, as well as any internal and external routes for interconnection.
Access to Phases 1 through 3 of the subdivision will partially depend on the future FM 157 road running through the development. Approval from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is necessary for the alignment of this road and for the residential streets that connect to it. The developer must provide TxDOT’s conceptual approval for the alignment and right-of-way width of FM 157 to confirm the viability of the street system.
Under state law, the Commission may approve a plat with conditions. Formal approval of the plat will not take effect until these conditions have been met.
Prepared By
Art Wright, AICP
Planning Manager - Long Range Planning
Location Map
Preliminary Plat