Resolution - A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager or Designee to Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) to Outline the Roles and Responsibility of Each Partner with Respect to Development of Multi-Agency Communication, Data and Video Sharing on a Regional Intelligent Transportation Network
Requested Action
Approval of the resolution.
Approval of the resolution authorizing the City Manager or designee to enter into a Memorandum of Understand with NCTCOG to outline the role and responsibility of each partner with respect to development of a multiagency communication data and video sharing on a regional intelligent transportation network.
NCTCOG is responsible for the maintenance of the North Central Texas Intelligent Transportation System Regional Architecture, which is a blueprint for transportation integration and technical advancement through agreements and implementation. The Metropolitan Transportation Plan for North Central Texas requires the integration of all traffic operations systems between public sector entities, including sharing of data and video. NCTCOG is responsible for the development and facilitating a Communications Network Committee comprised of partners that have executed a Communication, Data and Video Sharing MOU.
The role of the committee is to develop and establish standards, guidelines and structures necessary to establish, operate and maintain a regional intelligent transportation network.
A few of the benefits of executing the MOU is:
· allows the signatory agencies to receive 3 points for MTP Policy Bundles which helps with funding requests.
· confirms an agency’s interest and intent to share communication media, data and video with regional partners.
· establishes an agency’s interest in participating through a connection to a regional network.
· provides no obligation to do more than participate in plann...
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