Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving Professional Services Contracts with Parkhill Smith & Cooper, Inc. for Design Services and Brittain and Crawford, LLC for Surveying Services, and Approving Funding in an Amount not to Exceed $198,700.00 for the US287 Crossing Sewer Repair; Finding That the Meeting at Which This Resolution Is Passed Is Open to the Public as Required by Law; And Declaring an Effective Date; Finding That the Meeting at Which This Resolution Is Passed Is Open to the Public as Required by Law; And Declaring an Effective Date (Utility Fund)
Requested Action
Consider the authorization of funding and approval of contracts.
The authorization of funding in an amount not to exceed $198,700.00 and approval of contracts, including design with Parkhill Smith & Cooper, Inc. and survey services with Brittain and Crawford, LLC to prepare the US287 Crossing Sewer Repair for public bidding and construction.
An existing 8-inch wastewater gravity main, constructed in approximately 1980, crossing US287 near FM157 in the TXDOT right-of-way is found to be failing after inspection from Public Works Field Operations. CCTV (video inspection) of the existing 8-inch cast iron pipe section shows extreme signs of deterioration from metal corrosion.
This project includes the design for constructing a 12-inch wastewater gravity main to replace the existing section of 8-inch gravity main crossing US287 utilizing pipe bursting, a trenchless technology to burst/break through the existing failing 8-inch pipe with the new 12-inch pipe. This effort is intended to mitigate interruptions to traffic on US287. If pipe bursting technology is determined to not be a preferred or viable option, a new section of 8-inch pipe will be designed for construction parallel to the existing 8-inch failing pipeline with boring-type installation methods considered.
The requested funds are for desig...
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