Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving a Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Mansfield and Dunaway Associates, L.L.C., for Landscape Architectural and Design Services in an Amount not to Exceed $347,750; Expressing the Intent to Finance Expenditures to be Incurred for Architectural and Design Services with Dunaway Associates, L.L.C., for Geyer Commons; Authorizing the City Manager or his Designee to Execute any Documents Necessary to Implement this Resolution; Finding that the Meeting at Which this Resolution is Passed is Open to the Public as Required by Law; And Declaring an Effective Date
Requested Action
Consider Approving Resolution
Approve Resolution
In November 2023, the City of Mansfield and Mansfield ISD announced a collaborative plan to exchange property. The City of Mansfield will exchange the City Hall, 1200 East Broad Street, and a portion of adjoining property behind the City Hall location at 1200 East Broad Street for Mansfield ISD’s administrative buildings, student services building and Geyer Field, located at 605 East Broad Street, and the shopping complex located at 703 East Broad Street.
The proposal for the exchange was born in a joint session with the city and district which focused on working together as one on a shared vision for Mansfield. City and school leaders agree this project allows all parties involved to share resources, save taxpayer funds, and develop a one-of-a-kind remarkable experience for Mansfield families.
The development of the properties will occur in phases. The City of Mansfield will immediately begin phase one of revitalization efforts to the Geyer Field location, to be known as Geyer Commons, a community gathering space with park-like amenities. The City will preserve the historic original Mansfield High School and the Rock Gym, and develop a plan for their potential uses. Geyer Commons will feature ...
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