Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Authorizing the City Manager and the Mansfield Police Department to Make Application, Receive, and Expend Grant Funding from the State of Texas, Office of the Governor, Public Safety Office, Body-Worn Camera Grant Program FY-2026 in an Amount Not to Exceed $126,400 to Purchase Body-Worn Cameras; Agreeing to Provide Applicable Matching Funds; Finding that the Meeting at which this Resolution is Passed is Open to the Public as Required by Law; and Providing an Effective Date
Requested Action
Consider a Resolution approving the applicant, receiving, and expending of grant funds to purchase body-worn cameras for the Patrol and Traffic Divisions of the Mansfield Police Department.
Staff recommends approval of Resolution.
The City of Mansfield Police Department is requesting grant funding to purchase 79 body-worn cameras for personnel who routinely make traffic stops and/or respond directly to calls for assistance from the public. The Mansfield Police Department is upgrading the camera systems and these body-worn cameras are to replace the outdated ones worn by the patrol and traffic divisions.
There is no amount limit for this grant. However, the purpose of the grant is to equip officers whose primary role is to respond directly to calls for service and regularly detain or stop motor vehicles. The Mansfield Police Department has 111 authorized sworn positions, 79 of those positions are in the Patrol and Traffic Division. Each body-worn camera unit is $1,600.00 x 79 = $126,400. Meaning, $94,800.00 provided by grant funds and $31,600.00 as a 25 percent match by city funds. The amount of the award will not exceed $126,400 and requires a 25 percent cash match.
Funding Source
The funding will be provided by The Texas General Appropriations Act, Article 1, Rider 35 for Trusted Programs within the Office of the Governor of Texas,...
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