Resolution - A Resolution Approving a Purchase of 60 Microfiltration Membrane Modules and Ancillary Parts to AriaFiltra in an Amount Not to Exceed $153,363.00 at the Bud Ervin Water Treatment Plant (Utility Fund)
Requested Action
Consider the Resolution Authorizing Funds in the amount of One Hundred Fifty-Three Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-Three Dollars and Zero Cents $153,363.00 and approval of a purchase with AriaFiltra for 60 Microfiltration Membrane Modules and Ancillary Parts at the Bud Ervin Water Treatment Plant.
Staff recommends approval.
The membrane filtration system at the Bud Ervin Water Treatment Plant was installed in 2010. It currently has 5-membrane racks containing 126 modules per rack. The demand in 2010 did not require each membrane rack to be at its full capacity. 12 vacant connections were left on each membrane rack to allow for future growth.
The requested funds are for a purchase contract in the amount of $139,420.91, a 10% contingency for programming and support needed to complete the project within a budget not to exceed $153,363.00.
The addition of 60 modules will give us an increase of 1.4 Million Gallons a Day. This addition is needed to meet the increase in population and the regulatory requirements through TCEQ. This will allow the Bud Ervin Water Treatment Plant to treat more water immediately in advance of the Phase V expansion.
Funding Source
Utility Operations Fund
Prepared By
Alex Whiteway., Assistant Director, Water Utilities Department