Resolution - A Resolution Amending the Bylaws for the Mansfield Economic Development Corporation Board to Align its Purchasing Guidelines with State Law
Requested Action
To Consider the Resolution
To Approve the Resolution
Texas Local Government Code, Chapters 501-505, provide details for procurement requirements for Texas Non-Profit Corporations. As such, the Mansfield Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), aligned with the tools provided in State law. For efficiency sake, in January 2023, the MEDC Board of Directors and City Council voted to approve an amendment to the bylaws to align MEDC's procurement efforts with that of the City's purchasing policies. The results, however, have been mixed. The change in 2023 has proven helpful in most areas, like typical procurement efforts such as purchasing supplies, equipment, granting incentives, and hiring professional services. The disadvantage is that selling land owned by the MEDC is a more restrictive process than state law allows. As such, aligning with "applicable law" provides that the Corporation is meeting parameters set forth by the state. Additionally, language was added in the proposed amendment, to ensure that no contracts above $50,000 can be entered into without the Board and City Council approval.
The amendments to the bylaws will coincide with the direction from City Council.
Prepared By
Jason Moore, Executive Director of Economic Development, 817-728-3651