Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving an Advance Funding Agreement Between the City of Mansfield, TX and The Texas Department of Transportation in an Amount of $86,900 for the Design and Construction of the HSIP Walnut Creek Drive and Broad Street Intersection Signal Improvements; Finding That The Meeting At Which This Resolution Is Passed Is Open To The Public As Required By Law; And Declaring An Effective Date (Street Bond Fund)
Requested Action
Consider the Resolution approving the Advance Funding Agreement.
Approval of the Resolution.
The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is a federally grant program managed by TxDOT. HSIP, directed by Texas’ Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), works to achieve the main objective of significantly reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads by providing a standardized approach for identifying and reviewing specific traffic safety concerns throughout the State. The City of Mansfield applied for grant money in 2023 and was awarded funds. The grant will provide 84% of the funding for a project through federal funds and a 16% local match is required.
The City of Mansfield, in collaboration with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), has identified an existing intersection needing significant improvements to aid driver visibility upon approach, pedestrian accessibility and safety, and support the city in monitoring the state and network timing at Walnut Creek Drive and Broad Street. In response to these issues, installing new retroreflective back plates, vehicle detection devices, and constructing new ADA compliant pedestrian access ramps and pedestrian signals are proposed to mitigate these concerns. These proposed improvements aim to enhance safety for all users, boost driver visibility approaching the intersection, and efficiently monitor and adjust signal timing as necessary at the ...
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