Resolution - Resolution Authorizing the City Manager and the Police Department to Make Application, Receive and Expend Grant Funding from the Criminal Justice Division (CJD) of the Governor's Office of the State of Texas for Criminal Justice Projects that Reduce Crime and Improve the Criminal Justice System During the FY2015 for an Amount not to Exceed $145,000 with no Match Required
Requested Action
Approval of Resolution
Approval of Resolution
The CJD of the State of Texas is soliciting applications for projects that reduce crime and improve the criminal justice system. Funding of this grant is for FY2015 grant cycle. Applications are due to the North Central Texas Council of Governments no later than February 28, 2014. Each project submitted under this program is limited to a maximum amount of $80,000 and with each agency limited to a maximum of 3 applications. Each application is funded at 100% of requested and approved amount up to a maximum of $80,000 with no match required. Grant funded projects must begin on or after October 1, 2014 and be completed by September 30, 2015 or as designated by CJD.
The police department has outlined several needs that have been designated as individual projects under this grant. The Mansfield Police Department intends to submit 3 applications not to exceed $145,000 total for all 3 applications. The projects are as follows:
Automated License Readers (5) $80,000
Special use vehicles (one electric motorcycle and two ATV's) $39,915
Crisis Negotiator equipment $24,584
Funding Source
This solicitation is funded from authorized state and federal sources and will be administered in accordance with regulations required by these sources.
Prepared By
Alma Roden, Grant Mgr., Mansfield Police Department 817-276-4710 and
Gary Fowler, Chief of Police, Mansfield Police Department 817-276-4723