Ordinance - Consideration and Approval of an Ordinance to Amend Section 158.001 “Definitions” and Section 158.013 “Inspection by Regulatory Compliance Department,” of Chapter 158, “Standards, Registration, and Inspection Requirements for Multi-Family Dwelling Complexes,” of Title XV, “Land Usage” of the Mansfield Code of Ordinances
Requested Action
Approval of Proposed Ordinance Amendments.
Approval of Proposed Ordinance Amendments.
In October 2021 the City Council adopted Chapter 158 “Standards, Registration, and Inspection Requirements for Multi-Family Dwelling Complexes” to establish the City of Mansfield Rental Inspections Program. The provisions of this ordinance ensure quality maintenance and upkeep is considered as the city continues to experience growth and interest in multi-family development. The Rental Inspections Program protects the health and safety of residents and visitors of multi-family complexes and lodging establishments.
The proposed ordinance revisions allow for improvements in the definition of “improper” in regards to minimum acceptable standards. The proposed amendments also provide clarification that the landscape and screening standards outlined in Chapter 99, Natural Resources Management, and Chapter 155, Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances be referenced as minimum acceptable standards for related items.
Funding Source
Prepared By
Nicolette Ricciuti, Director of Regulatory Compliance
Department of Regulatory Compliance