File #: 25-6408    Version: 1 Name: Public Hearing and Consideration of a Specific Use Permit for a Convenience Store/Gas Station on approximately 0.480 acres being Lot 4R1, Block 1, Wal-mart Addition, Tarrant Co., TX, located approximately 925 feet southeast from the intersection of North
Type: Consideration Item Status: Passed
File created: 2/3/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/10/2025 Final action: 2/10/2025
Title: Public Hearing and Consideration of a Specific Use Permit for a Convenience Store/Gas Station on approximately 0.480 acres being Lot 4R1, Block 1, Wal-mart Addition, Tarrant Co., TX, located approximately 925 feet southeast from the intersection of North U.S. HWY 287 and North Walnut Creek Drive, and addressed as 950 North Walnut Creek Drive.; Murphy Oil USA Inc., Owner/Developer; JM Civil, Engineer (SUP#24-003)
Sponsors: Arty Wheaton-Rodriguez
Attachments: 1. Maps and Supporting Information, 2. Exhibits A - E
Public Hearing and Consideration of a Specific Use Permit for a Convenience Store/Gas Station on approximately 0.480 acres being Lot 4R1, Block 1, Wal-mart Addition, Tarrant Co., TX, located approximately 925 feet southeast from the intersection of North U.S. HWY 287 and North Walnut Creek Drive, and addressed as 950 North Walnut Creek Drive.; Murphy Oil USA Inc., Owner/Developer; JM Civil, Engineer (SUP#24-003)

Requested Action
To consider the requested Specific Use Permit (“SUP”)

The Planning and Zoning Commission met on January 6, 2025, and voted 5 to 0 (with two absences) to recommend approval of the SUP request.

Ayes: 5 - Axen, Mainer, Godin, Hamilton, and Moses
Nays: 0
Absent: 2 - Thompson and Bennett

The Department of Planning and Development Services recommends approval of the Specific Use Permit (SUP) for the reconstruction of the Murphy Gas Station. The proposed updates enhance the existing features while ensuring the site meets current regulations and standards. Approval of the SUP will align the property with zoning requirements, improving its functionality and overall design.

Existing Use: Murphy Gas Station
Existing Zoning: C-2, Commercial Business District
Mansfield 2040 Land Use Designation: Retail & Office

Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:
North - Multi-tenant structure, C-2, Community Business District
South - Multi-tenant structure, C-2, Community Business District
East - Walmart, C-2, Community Business District
West - North Walnut Creek Lane, 6-lane divided arterial street

Thoroughfare Plan Specification:
North Walnut Creek Lane - 6-lane divided arterial street.

The subject property contains approximately 0.480 located approximately 925 feet southeast from the intersection of N U.S. HWY 287 and North Walnut Creek Drive. The Applicant is proposing to reconstruct the Murphy Convenience Store/Gas Station on the property.

Mansfield 2040 Plan


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