Resolution - A Resolution to Consider Awarding an Annual Contract to Green World Care in the Amount of $337,740.37 for Grounds Maintenance of Medians and Rights-of-Way
Requested Action
Approve a Resolution to Consider Awarding an Annual Contract to Earthworks, Inc. of Lillian, Texas in the Amount of $337,740.37 for Grounds Maintenance of Medians and Rights-of-Way
Approve resolution
In a continuing effort to provide grounds maintenance services for City property in the most cost-effective manner, the Parks and Recreation Department has gradually outsourced grounds maintenance services for park and municipal properties since 2005. The contract mowing program has allowed the City to increase the level of service to the citizens by using contractors to mow, edge, and blow turf areas while in-house staff concentrates on high end maintenance such as chemical applications, fertilization, botanical, and irrigation.
This contract is for weekly/bi-weekly grounds maintenance of approximately 33 miles of medians and 90 miles of rights-of-way. Services include mowing, trimming, edging and litter removal, as well as bi-weekly maintenance of landscape beds on ten thoroughfares. City staff will be responsible for monitoring contractor performance on a daily basis to ensure compliance with maintenance standards and specifications.
Requests for bids were advertised in the Star Telegram on April 18, 2024 and April 25, 2024. Eight professional landscape maintenance companies attended the mandatory pre-bid meeting on May 3, 2024, with seven companies submitting sealed bids on May 15, 2024. Staff reviewed and evaluated the bids and worked with the Legal Department to ensure all bid requirements were met. It was determined that Green World Care was the successful “best value” bidder. The initial contract term is for one year and will be reviewed annually to determine subsequent renewal terms. At the City’s option, this contract sha...
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