Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Authorizing the Use of Drainage Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $298,320.00 for the Construction of Drainage Improvements; Generally Located Northwest of the South Main Street and Heritage Parkway Intersection; Finding that the Meeting at Which This is Approved is Open to the Public as Required by Law; and Declaring an Effective Date (Drainage Fund)
Requested Action
Approve the authorization of funds.
Approval of the resolution to authorize funds.
The area, which is generally defined as being northwest of the South Main Street and Heritage Parkway intersection, has demonstrated a need for a regional drainage solution, which would benefit several businesses and properties in the area. The improvements will also mitigate stormwater issues that were created with the improvements made to South Main St.
This project provides a long-term benefit to the larger region around it with the conveyance of stormwater in the most efficient manner. The improvements will deliver a regional drainage solution that enhances stormwater management and provides improved services and protection to multiple businesses and property owners in the area. Additionally, the project will benefit the City's drainage infrastructure and support continued growth and development in the surrounding area.
Funding Source
Drainage Fund
Prepared By
Matt Jones, Assistant City Manager