Resolution - A Resolution of the Mansfield Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors, Approving a Professional Services Contract with Landtec Engineers, LLC, in an Amount Not to Exceed $149,650.00 for Construction Materials Engineering, Testing Services, and Special Inspections for the Mansfield Multiuse Stadium Project; Finding that the Meeting at which this is Approved is Open to the Public as Required by Law; and Declaring an Effective Date (MEDC)
Requested Action
Consider the Resolution
Staff recommends approving the Resolution
This contract is outside the scope of the architect and construction manager as they are an independent third-party testing agency. They will verify the special inspections required by the project specifications and are completed in the field upon installation of the building materials by Moss Construction.
LandTec has previously provided the same services on other facility projects for the City and are highly qualified. Both staff and REV have reviewed and recommend approval of the proposed contract.
Funding Source
Prepared By
Jason Moore, Executive Director