Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Supporting an Application from the City of Mansfield, Texas to the United States Department of Energy for 2021 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program Formula Grant in an Amount Not to Exceed $129,070.00 to Retrofit Existing Public Buildings in the City of Mansfield, Texas with Energy Efficient Lighting; Finding that the Meeting at which this Resolution is Passed is Open to the Public as Required by Law; and Declaring an Effective Date (General Fund)
Requested Action
Approve a Resolution supporting an application to the United States Department of Energy for 2021 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program Formula Grant in amount not to exceed $129,070.00.
Approve Resolution.
Although there is not a matching requirement for this formula grant; it will require that the City expend General Funds for retrofitting existing public buildings with energy efficient lighting.
Additionally, the use of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funds will be used to retrofit existing public buildings within the City of Mansfield boundaries with energy efficient lighting. Retrofitting existing buildings will improve the energy performance, operations costs and maintenance savings of building assets, including lighting control systems.
The General Fund will be reimbursed 100 percent by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Funds.
The benefit from the grant will be reduced energy usage and reduced maintenance costs.
Funding Source
General Fund
Prepared By
Andy Hale, Facilities and Construction Manager