Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Awarding a Construction Contract to Humphrey & Morton Construction Company, Inc. in an Amount Not to Exceed $2,576,156.60 for Construction of Phase 3B of the Walnut Creek Linear Park Trail; Finding That the Meeting at Which This Resolution is Passed is Open to the Public as Required by Law; And Declaring an Effective Date (GO Bonds)
Requested Action
Discuss and Approve a Resolution to Award Construction Contract
Approve Resolution
The 2020 Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails Master Plan included a spine trail phasing and prioritization plan. Trail segment “M” represents phase 3 of the Walnut Creek Linear Park system from James McKnight Park East to Elmer W. Oliver Nature Park. For planning and implementation purposes, this 2.25-mile segment was broken into two phases. Phase 3A extended the trail system from James McKnight Park East to Carlin Road as it winds through the Shops at Broad development and was completed in 2022. Phase 3B will begin at Carlin Road and run along Cannon Drive and Matlock Road into Elmer W. Oliver Nature Park.
Kimley Horn and Associates Inc., was retained to formulate the conceptual trail plan, analyze the street adjacency on Cannon Drive and Matlock Road and then develop the construction documents for advertisement and bidding for phase 3B trail development. Following site survey work and base data collection, construction and bidding documents were completed earlier this year.
On January 14, 2025, eight bids were received and publicly opened. Humphrey & Morton Construction Company, Inc. was selected as the lowest qualified and responsive bidder. The bid tab is attached. After analyzing the bids, meeting with the apparent low bidder and checking references, staff recommends awarding the construction contract to Humphrey & Morton Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $2,576,156.60. This contract amou...
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