Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Awarding Contracts for the Construction of Paving, Wastewater, and Drainage Improvements for Fort Worth Street and Live Oak Drive including Circle H Contractors, LP for Construction, Brittain and Crawford, LLC for Surveying, and Raba Kistner Associates for Material Testing, and Authorizing Funding for an Amount Not to Exceed $3,631,303.15; Finding that the Meeting at Which this Resolution is Passed is Open to the Public as Required By Law; And Declaring an Effective Date (Street Bond Fund, Utility Fund)
Requested Action
Consider the Resolution awarding contracts for the construction of Paving, Wastewater, and Drainage Improvements for Fort Worth Street and Live Oak Drive to Circle H Contractors LP, for construction, to Brittain and Crawford, LLC for surveying and to Raba Kistner Associates, for material testing and authorizing funding for an amount not to exceed $3,631,303.15.
The Engineering Staff recommends approval of the Resolution.
This project includes reconstructing Fort Worth St. (Walnut Creek Dr to Kings Way Dr) and Live Oak Dr (Fort Worth St to Dayton Rd) with asphalt pavement and concrete curb and gutter. Additionally, a new storm drain system is being added to mitigate recurring street flooding. Significant portions of the existing sanitary sewer lines are also being replaced along both roadways due to poor condition.
The project was bid on February 4th, 2025 and there were six bidders for the project. Bids ranged from a low bid of $3,144,384.69 to a high bid of $7,475,629.00. The lowest and best bid was from Circle H Contractors, LP. See attached bid tabulation.
The contract time for this project is two hundred fifteen (215) working days or approximately 11 months.
The requested funds are for a construction contract in the amount of $3,458,823.16, which includes a 10% construction contingency, $77,000.00 for survey...
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