Resolution - A Resolution Awarding H&H Concrete on Demand, Inc., Cornerstone Ontime Concrete, LLC, and Custom-Crete as the Vendors for Small Batch Mix On-Site Concrete for Miscellaneous City-Wide Street and Sidewalk Repairs (Street Operations Department Maintenance Budget - General Fund)
Requested Action
Consider the Resolution awarding H&H Concrete on Demand, Inc., Cornerstone Ontime Concrete, LLC and Custom-Crete as the vendors for small batch mix on-site concrete for miscellaneous city-wide concrete street and sidewalk repairs.
The Public Works Department Staff recommends approval of the Resolution.
City crews perform concrete curb, panel and sidewalk replacements and repairs on city streets throughout the year. With these repairs the concrete mix must be purchased from vendors who are able to meet the city schedule and provide smaller quantities for the smaller repairs (individual concrete panels, sidewalks and curbs). The ability to meet these schedules and smaller quantities are provided by concrete vendors who provide mix on-site concrete that can be tailored to the amount needed for each application.
Request for vendors were advertised in the Star Telegram and on the City Website and bids publicly opened on September 26, 2023. There were three bidders for the project. The three bidders had similar unit prices for concrete. The cost differential between all 3 bidders for a 10 cubic yard delivery of 4,500 psi concrete is $49.00.
All three vendors have previously or currently provided materials for the Public Works Department and the City is satisfied with the quality and value of their materials and service. The Public Works Department intends to use all three vendors. The three vendors will allow for more options for scheduling of concrete deliveries and multiple projects will be able to be poured simultaneously. The selection of three vendors will also ensure better service and more options if a...
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