Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Awarding a Construction Contract to Pro Reno Group, LLC in an Amount Not to Exceed $127,969.61 for Construction of Improvements to the Tree House Overlook at Elmer W. Oliver Nature Park; Finding That the Meeting at Which This Resolution is Passed is Open to the Public as Required by Law; And Declaring an Effective Date (MPFDC Fund)
Requested Action
Consider and Approve a Resolution to Award Construction Contract
Approve Resolution
In 1994, the Mansfield Park Facilities Development Corporation (MPFDC) accepted a 13-acre land donation for use as a linear park from a residential developer building on the south side of Walnut Creek and adjacent to property owned by the Williams family. In 1999, the City acquired seven acres of the Williams property to widen Matlock Road as well as create a detention pond and linear park trail connection. In 2004, the MPFDC purchased a 60-acre tract of land to serve as a community park and trailhead for the continuation of the Walnut Creek Linear Park trail system.
On January 24, 2014, Mansfield residents gathered to open Elmer W. Oliver Nature Park, an 80-acre wildlife preserve in the heart of the city that quickly became a community favorite. The site consists of wooded areas, open fields, natural ponds and granite trails. The park is open daily for exploring, and parks and recreation staff offer educational programs throughout the year.
Over the past 11 years, the original boards on the Tree House Overlook have weathered and are in need of replacement. This project will enhance the structural steel supports and replace the wooden boards. The project was advertised for bid on January 22nd and 29th. The bid opening was held on February 13th, with four firms submitting bids. Following review of project experience and reference checks, staff is recommending an award to Pro Reno Group, LLC in an amount not to...
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