Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving a Professional Services Contract Between The City of Mansfield, TX and HR Green, Inc. in an Amount Not to Exceed $100,000.00 for Capital Project Management Services (Street Bond Fund)
Requested Action
Consider the authorization of funding and approval of a contract.
The authorization of funding in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 and approval of capital project management services with HR Green, Inc.
A Capital Project Manager in the Engineering Services retired from the City in December 2023. To continue with the capital improvement program schedules, it was determined that assistance would be needed from a consultant to assist with managing the capital projects until staff is replaced. This position is still currently vacant.
Staff has previously contracted with HR Green for a limited scope on a few projects and feels they have the qualifications and staff to assist the Engineering Services Department. The fees for reviews will be based on the firm’s salary costs for project management assistance.
It is expected that this service will allow the Engineering Services Department to continue progress on the capital improvement plans.
The Director of Engineering Services will be in attendance at the meeting to answer Council’s questions regarding the proposed funding and contracts.
Funding Source
Street Bond Fund
Prepared By
Raymond Coffman, Director of Engineering Services, Engineering Services, 817-276-4238