Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving a Professional Services Contract with Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. for the Design of Chapel Hill Drainage Improvements in an Amount not to exceed $60,360; Finding that the Meeting at Which this Resolution is Passed is Open to the Public as Required by Law; and Declaring an Effective Date (Drainage Utility Fund)
Requested Action
Approve the resolution for the professional services contract in the amount of $60,360 for engineering design services.
During the June 2022 rain event, several homes in the Chapel Hill area flooded. Resolution RE-3911-22 approved 9/26/22 authorized the City to contract with Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. for $77,250 to complete analysis of the system and prepare propose solutions for improvements to correct the flooding.
Analysis of the system was completed. The consultant engineer and staff have agreed Alternative 2A as the most cost effective method to remedy the flooding concerns in the area. This will consist of replacing and upsizing some existing storm drain, and construction of 20’ concrete flume. Final engineering design and completion of construction documents to prepare the project for public bid are needed prior to construction.
The affected property owners have been notified of the analysis results and the proposed project selected. Construction and the new infrastructure should be within existing drainage easement limits.
The existing underground system is undersized causing flood waters to enter homes in the area relatively frequently. This project will resolve the home flooding issue.
Funds for completion of the design and construction of the proposed improvements are available in the Drainage Utility Fund.
Funding Source
Drainage Utility Fund
Prepared By
Howard Redfearn Environmental Manager, Environmental Services Department