Final Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Admiral Legacy Addition on Approximately 9.639 Acres and Addressed at 2441 Heritage Pkwy; Brittain & Crawford Land Surveying, Engineer/Surveyor, Admiral Legacy Investments, Developer, and Mansfield Economic Development Corporation, Owner (SD#24-037)
Requested Action
To consider the proposed plat
The Department of Planning and Development Services recommends approval as the subdivision conforms to the Mansfield Subdivision Ordinance and the requirements in Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code.
The purpose of this plat is to establish two lots within the subject property, which is approximately 9.639 acres. The property was rezoned to S, South Mansfield Form-based Development District in 2023.
Both newly created lots comply with the development standards outlined in the zoning regulations. The Developer plans to construct a five-story office and retail building with parking on Lot 1. Lot 2 will initially be developed as a parking lot to support the project, with the potential for future construction as part of a planned expansion.
Prepared By
Katasha Smithers, AICP Candidate
Planning Manager - Current Planning
Final Plat