Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of The City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving a Reimbursement Agreement with the Mansfield Independent School District to Reimburse Fifty Percent of the Cost to Relocate an Eight-Inch Water Line for an Amount Not to Exceed $88,500; Authorizing the City Manager or his Designee to Execute any Documents Necessary to Implement this Resolution; Finding that the Meeting at Which this Resolution is Passed is Open to the Public as Required by Law; and Declaring an Effective Date (Utility Fund)
Requested Action
Consider the attached resolution authorizing the reimbursement agreement with the Mansfield Independent School District (MISD) to share in the cost of relocating an eight-inch water line.
Staff Recommends approval.
The Bud Ervin Water Treatment (BEWTP) shares property lines with the Rogene Worley Middle School. When the school was developed, it tied into a 12 “ water main on the plant site to serve its domestic, irrigation, and fire service needs. In 1988, the 12” was replaced with a 48” transmission line to serve all of the upper-pressure plane (UPP), which incorporates ~40% of the average daily flow from the BEWTP. With this line aging, it is essential that we perform condition assessments and maintenance to extend its useful life. In 2019 we installed a second 36” transmission line on the UPP to give us flexibility to serve the community while the 48” is out of service.
We approached the MISD to work on a plan to relocate the 8” line serving the school from the 48” transmission line. The school agreed that it was appropriate to relocate their line to be more resilient to shutting down the 48” transmission line. A project was ultimately designed to relocate the 8” from the rear of the school to Pleasant Ridge Drive and connect it to an 8” distribution line.
Sharing the cost of constructing this improvement is a public benefit to the City and the MISD....
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