Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Authorizing the City Manager or His Designee to Finalize, Negotiate and Execute an Economic Development Agreement between the City of Mansfield, Texas, the Board of Directors of Reinvestment Zone Number Four in the City of Mansfield, Texas, and Arcadia Realty Corp; Finding that the Meeting at which this Resolution is Passed is Open to the Public as Required by Law; And Declaring an Effective Date (General Fund, TIRZ #4, Utility Fund)
Requested Action
To Consider Approving the Resolution
To Approve the Resolution
As part of the major sports and entertainment district, also referred to as Harvest Point, Arcadia plans to develop approximately 134 acres of land located south of Lone Star Road, and east of Toll Road 360, with residential development as defined in the zoning case, ZC#24-009 Lonestar Mansfield PD, along with open space, trails, enhanced streetscapes, and other public and private amenities.
Because the land is situated away from any existing public infrastructure required for the development, the developer requested city participation in funding major off-site improvements to bring utilities and roadways to the site. The attached agreement contemplates this and allows for development to occur upon completion of the public infrastructure. Additionally, the developer is requesting the creation of a Public Improvement District (PID) to provide construction financing for the internal infrastructure needed for the residential development. The PID provides tax-exempt bond funding up front to the developer, and the repayment is handled through assessments paid by all parcel owners within the PID boundary. This allows the infrastructure to be funded by the development itself.
The zoning district requires enhanced features such as architecture on buildings and the streetscape, therefore to offset the additional enhancements, the devel...
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