Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving a Change Order with Westra Consultants, LLC for the Design of Drainage Improvements in the Amount of $19,500; Finding that the Meeting at Which this Resolution is Passed is Open to the Public as Required by Law; and Declaring an Effective Date (Drainage Utility Fund)
Requested Action
Approve the resolution approving a change order in the amount of $19,500 for engineering design services
During the June 2022 rain event, several homes in the Red Oak Dr/Willow Creek Dr area flooded. Resolution RE-3951-22 authorized the City to contract with Westra Consultants, LLC for $58,500 to complete analysis of this area and two others.
After the completion of the analysis for this location, recommended alternatives were explored and City staff determined that construction of a new concrete flume was the most cost effective solution. Westra Consultants, LLC was selected to complete a feasibility analysis and develop construction plans for the concrete flume solution for $43,700.
Throughout the project the initial scope of the feasibility analysis was expanded to evaluate the impact of the proposed flume on surrounding properties. This was to ensure new flooding would not occur. The expansion of the feasibility scope has resulted in added scope for the construction design portion of this project. This additional scope includes increasing the size of an existing concrete flume and pavement repair in an adjacent street. To accommodate the additional survey and design work needed to complete the project, a change order request for $19,500 has been submitted. Funding for this change order is available from the drainage utility fund.
Survey needs for the properties where the flume would be constructed were included in the original scope. Survey of surrounding properties, and specifically the intersection of Bridge Water Ln and Willow Creek Dr w...
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