Ordinance - Public Hearing and Continued First Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Zoning Change from C-2, Community Business District to PD, Planned Development District with Limited I-1, Light Industrial Uses on Approximately 9.94 Acres out of the William Lynn Survey, Abstract Number 984, Tarrant County, Texas, located at 2351, 2361, 2371, 2381 and 2391 N. US 287; City of Mansfield, Applicant
Requested Action
To consider the subject zoning change request
The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on November 7, 2022 and voted by 6-0 to recommend approval.
Ayes: 6 - Axen, Mainer, Goodwin, Gilmore, Shaw, and Thompson
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 - Groll
Staff recommends approval.
First Reading
City Council held a public hearing on November 14, 2022, and voted 6-0 to table the case until the December 12, 2022, City Council meeting.
Existing Use: Vacant
Existing Zoning: C-2, Community Business District
Land Use Plan: Sub-Area 1
Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:
North - Mansfield Soccer Association, C-2 Community Business District, within the FR, Freeway Overlay District
South - Vacant, PR, Pre-Development District
East - Public Right-of-way for U.S. Highway 287
West - Single-family Residential, SF-5AC/24 Single-family Residential District
Thoroughfare Plan Specification:
U.S. Highway 287 - Freeway
This is a City-initiated rezoning. The rezoning is intended to accommodate office and light industrial uses that are designed in an elevated manner consistent with the provisions of the FR, Freeway Overlay District, and that will make Mansfield more attractive to private investment. The proposed PD, Planned Development District standards have been revised to include a list of additional prohibited uses for review and consideration by the Council.
Staff Analysis
The subject property consists of approximately 9.94 acres of vacant land that is generally located near the northern municip...
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