Ordinance - Public Hearing and First Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from PD, Planned Development District to S, South Mansfield Form Based Development District on Approximately 57.95 Acres in the John Robertson Survey, Abstract No. 1317, City of Mansfield, Tarrant County, Texas, Generally Located east of U.S. Highway 287, East and West of N. Mitchell Road, and North of the Union Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way on Property Addressed at 101 S. U.S. Highway 287 and at 20 and 24 North Mitchell Road; BV Mitchell LLC and the City of Mansfield, Applicants (ZC#24-008)
Requested Action
To consider the subject zoning change request.
On August 12, 2024, the City Council, at the request of the applicant, voted to table the case indefinitely with a vote of 7 to 0.
The Planning and Zoning Commission met on June 17, 2024, and voted 7 to 0 to recommend approval of the zoning change request.
Ayes: 7 - Mainer, Axen, Bennett, Goodwin, Moses, Shaw, and Thompson
Nays:|9 10|Absent: |9 10|
The Department of Planning and Development Services recommends approval of the zoning change request.
Existing Use: Vacant
Existing Zoning: PD, Planned Development District
Mansfield 2040 Land Use Designation: Retail & Office, Mixed-Use Regional, and LINQ Special Area Plan
Surrounding Land Use & Zoning:
North - HEB Grocery, PD, Planned Development District
South - Manufacturing, PD, Planned Development District
East - Manufacturing, Clinics and Assisted Living facility, PD, Planned Development District
West - Existing Commercial, C-2, Community Business District
Thoroughfare Plan Specification:
U.S. Highway 287 - Frontage Road and Freeway
North Mitchell Road - Two lane divided collector street
The applicant is requesting to rezone the property from PD, Planned Development District, to S, South Mansfield Form Based Development District, on approximately 57.95 acres to accommodate mixed-use development along...
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