Discussion and Possible Action on a Resolution Regarding the Nomination of Candidates to Serve on the Board of Directors for the Tarrant Appraisal District, Johnson County Appraisal District and Ellis County Appraisal District for the Calendar Years 2024 and 2025
Requested Action
Defer to the City Council.
Defer to the City Council.
The City received letters from the Tarrant Appraisal District, Johnson County Appraisal District, and the Ellis County Appraisal District indicating that the current two-year terms of the current board members are expiring. The governing body of each taxing unit may nominate up to five candidates. Taxing units are required to submit nominations; however, nominations may only be made by a resolution of the governing body. Nominations are due to the Chief Appraisers by October 15, 2023.
This item is to provide the Council the opportunity to discuss whether there is an individual they would like to nominate to serve on the board. The Chief Appraiser of each County will prepare the ballots and send to the taxing units on or before October 30, 2023. The governing bodies of the taxing units will determine their votes by resolution and submit the votes to the Chief Appraiser before December 15, 2023.The City of Mansfield has the following number of votes per county: Tarrant County - 53 votes: Johnson County - 95 votes & Ellis County - 10 votes.
Funding Source
Prepared By
Troy Lestina, Deputy City Manager/CFO, 817-276-4258