Resolution - A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Property Located at 1024 Wilson Drive for the Walnut Creek Linear Park Trail System
Requested Action
Approve Resolution to Purchase Property Located at 1024 Wilson Drive
Approve Resolution
The 2020 Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails Master Plan included a spine trail phasing and prioritization plan with four phases of development for the Walnut Creek Linear Park (WCLP) system. Phase 1 from Main Street to Hwy 287 was completed in 2007. Phase 2B was completed in 2020 and Phase 3A was completed in 2021. Phase 3B is currently in the design phase.
Phase 4 of the WCLP system will begin at Main Street in Town Park and continue west towards the city limits. As with the other phases, the acquisition of land along Walnut Creek is needed to provide the corridor for the linear trail development. In December 2015, the Mansfield Park Facilities Development Corporation issued revenue bonds for constructing, improving, equipping and acquiring land for the Mansfield Linear Park Project.
The proposed acquisition includes approximately 10 acres of land located at 1024 Wilson Drive. The remaining 2.061 acres will remain in the possession of the sellers. The negotiated purchase price of the property is $240,300. In addition, the MPFDC will be responsible for the associated closing costs and any prorated taxes due to the Tarrant Appraisal District, as well conducting and providing two surveys to the sellers. The MPFDC Board of Directors approved the property purchase at their regular meeting on April 18, 2024.
This private property is in the floodway/floodplain along Walnut Creek. The property acquisition is necessary for the progression and development of the Walnut Creek Linear Park trail extension from Town Park to the western city limits.
Funding Source
MPFDC ½ Cent Sales Tax
Prepared By
James Fish
Parks Planning Manager
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