Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving a Contract Amendment Between the City of Mansfield, TX and Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineering, LLC, in an Amount Not to Exceed $36,500.00 for the Design of South Main Street and Heritage Parkway Intersection Improvements; Finding That The Meeting At Which This Resolution Is Passed Is Open To The Public As Required By Law; And Declaring An Effective Date (Street Bond Fund)
Requested Action
Consider the approval of a Contract Amendment.
Approval of a contract amendment between the city of Mansfield, TX and Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineering, LLC., in an amount not to exceed $36,500.00 for the design of South Main Street and Heritage Parkway Intersection Improvements (street bond fund)
The area around the intersection of South Main Street and Heritage Parkway has experienced significant growth, leading to increased traffic volumes and congestion. The current configuration includes shared through and right-turn lanes, causing backups and delays for vehicles. This previously approved project includes the addition of dedicated right-turn lanes for both northbound and southbound traffic, improving traffic flow and reducing delays. Additionally, new sidewalks will enhance pedestrian connectivity, and traffic signals will be modified to improve safety.
A contract amendment is needed for additional design services involving drainage modifications, sidewalk adjustments, and further right-of-way documentation. This will require increased project management and coordination with TxDOT. This additional design will mitigate the construction of roadside concrete riprap and railing and take advantage of grading onto property owned by the MPFDC.
This project is part of the 2022 Roadway Capital Plan. A project layout of the anticipated improvements is attached. The current opinion of probable construction cost is $3,418,718.60.
The request...
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