Public Hearing to Consider Amending Chapter 155 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Mansfield, “Zoning” by Amending Special Purpose District Regulations and Creating a New Section 155.074 “T, Toll Road 360 Form-based Development District” (OA#23-002)
Requested Action
To consider the subject ordinance amendments.
The recommendation is to table this item indefinitely to allow for further review.
This is a request to amend the provisions of Chapter 155, entitled “Zoning” of the City of Mansfield Code of Ordinances to introduce a new proposed form-based development district --- the T, Toll Road 360 Form-based Development District.
The general purpose and intent of the T, Toll Road 360 Form-based Development District is to encourage and enable:
• [H]armonious and coordinated development;
• [D]evelopment that considers natural features, community facilities, pedestrian / vehicular circulation in conformance with the Thoroughfare plan, and land use relationship with surrounding properties; AND
• [W]alkable pedestrian environments that complement the existing housing stock by offering a variety of building types to serve mixed generations.
This text amendment is intended to guide and direct future development along the State Highway 360 Corridor.