Resolution - Resolution Providing Additional Funds for the Median Opening and Left Turn Lane on Heritage Parkway for Oldcastle Precast with JLB Contracting LLC in the Amount of $7,830.14 (MEDC Funds)
Requested Action
Approval of the additional funds to JLB Contracting LLC
MEDC Staff recommends the approval of the additional funds for JLB Contracting LLC. MEDC Board approved the additional funds on March 31, 2014 by a vote of 6-1.
The project was awarded by Resolution 2952-13 for an amount not to exceed $70,000.00. The additional funds represent 11.18% over the approved resolution amount.
The contract award was exceeded due to the engineering estimate by Elder Engineering for concrete cost was off by $10.00 per square yard, a 15 square yard shortage of the required quanity and a MEDC Staff oversite once bids were recieved for construction failing to include the Engineering costs which would have indicated the overage of the approved resolution amount.
Work is complete and contractor needs to be paid
Funding Source
Mansfield Economic Development Corporation
Prepared By
Pat Jamison, Business Retention Expansion
Mansfield Economic Development Corporation