Resolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving Professional Services Contracts with Teague Nall and Perkins, LLC and Brittain and Crawford, LLC, and Approving Funding in an Amount not to Exceed $1,278,156.00 for the Watson Branch Parallel Sewer (Utility Fund)
Requested Action
Consider the authorization of funding and approval of contracts.
The authorization of funding in an amount not to exceed $1,278,156.00 and approval of contracts, including design and easement acquisition services with Teague Nall and Perkins, LLC and survey services with Brittain and Crawford, LLC to prepare the Watson Branch Parallel Sewer for public bidding and construction.
This project includes constructing a 12-inch wastewater gravity main along Watson Branch of Walnut Creek from the intersection of Watson Branch and Walnut Creek to approximately Home Depot Dr. This project is Project 2 as shown in the 2019 Wastewater Master Plan. The additional capacity to be provided will support the development growth in the upstream sewer basins.
The requested funds are for design and easement acquisition services with Teague Nall and Perkins, LLC in the amount of $676,956.00 which includes a 5% contingency ($32,236.00) for potential design scope changes, survey services with Brittain and Crawford in the amount of $132,000.00 includes a 10% contingency ($12,000.00) for potential design scope changes, and purchase of right-of-way, easements and other miscellaneous services in the amount of $469,200. To prepare the project for public bidding and construction, the total budget for the project is $1,278,156.00. Professional Services Contracts are attached. The estimated construction cost is $5,380,000.00.
The design of this project is identified in the 2023 Utility Capital Improvement Plan.
The Director of Engineering Services will be in attendance at the meeting to answer Council’s questions...
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