Resolution - A Resolution Authorizing the Director of Public Works to Submit a Grant Application to the North Central Texas Council of Government (NCTCOG) for Grant Funds to Purchase a New Graphic to be Placed on Recycling Carts; and Authorizing the Director of Public Works to Execute an Interlocal Agreement With the NCTCOG if the Application is Approved. $24,540 for Drainage Utility Fund, No Matching Funds Required
Requested Action
The approval of a resolution to apply for grant funds to purchase new graphics to be placed on the existing recycling carts.
The Environmental Staff recommends the approval of the resolution to apply for grant funds to purchase new graphics to be applied to existing recycling carts in the amount of $24,540. This will cover the cost of printing, setup and shipping to the City for the graphics. This is a reimbursable grant.
In June 2011, the City of Mansfield began using the 65 and 95 gallon recycling carts. At that time, the City’s contract hauler (Republic Services) was using the material recovery facility located off of Exchange Dr. in Arlington for servicing those materials. Since that time, Republic Services has renovated one of their properties with a state of the art recovery facility that is able to handle items previously not recyclable. These include: plastic bags, pizza boxes, shelf-stable cartons, empty aerosol cans, and pots and pans.
The carts were ordered and delivered with an embedded graphic depicting the acceptable item list and identifying those items prohibited. The items listed above are currently included in the prohibited items list.
It would be helpful to have a new graphic placed over the existing one to reduce confusion and to increase the amount of recyclables collected. This grant is for $24,540. This includes stickers for the existing 20,321 carts, plus some reserves to be placed on carts delivered from the existing stock until a new cart order is made with an...
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