Resolution - A Resolution Authorizing Funding in an Amount Not to Exceed $444,840.00 and Approval of Contracts, Including Program Management with Vieste, to Provide Professional Services for the Harvest Point Project Development
Requested Action
Consider the authorization of funding and approval of contracts.
The authorization of funding in an amount not to exceed $444,840.00 and approval of contracts, including program management services with Vieste, to provide professional services for the Harvest Point Project Development.
Manage all project controls elements including, but not limited to:
o Communication Model
o Document Management Systems
o Scheduling
o Budgeting
o Project Cost Controls
▪ Lead capital and transaction structuring for the project
▪ Lead the development of project financial models
▪ Assemble and lead the project financing team
▪ Assemble and lead the project execution team
▪ Be responsible for day-to-day project management
▪ Act as extension of staff
▪ Assist in creating the Master Development Plan (including phasing plan)
▪ Assist in creating Sources & Uses Matrix, Flow of Funds, and Capital Finance Plan
▪ Assist in creating a Marketing, PR, and Promotion Plan
▪ Assist in creating a Revenue Activation Plan (Naming Rights, Corporate Sponsorship,
Philanthropy) to be executed as part of a subsequent contract
▪ Establish a course for the USL Soccer stadium project
▪ Prepare preliminary stadium program, conceptual design & budget
▪ Set up Project Controls elements:
o Master Program Schedule
o Master Program Budget
o Program Accounting System
o Communication Model
o Document Management System
Funding Source
Prepared By
Jason Moore