Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/22/2023 3:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-5379 1 Minutes - Approval of the May 12, 2023 Housing Market Growth Strategy Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes (vote will be only by members of the sub-committee: Lewis (Chair), Short, and Bounds)Meeting MinutesMinutes - Approval of the May 12, 2023 Housing Market Growth Strategy Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes (vote will be only by members of the sub-committee: Lewis (Chair), Short, and Bounds)Approval of MinutesPass Action details Video Video
23-5367 1 Ordinance Amending Chapter 37, “Municipal Court” of Title III, “Administration” of the Code of Mansfield, Texas; Providing for the Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict, Providing a Severability Clause; Providing for Publication, and Providing an EffectiveOrdinanceOrdinance - Ordinance Amending Chapter 37, “Municipal Court” of Title III, “Administration” of the Code of Ordinances of Mansfield, Texas; Providing for the Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict, Providing a Severability Clause; Providing for Publication, and Providing an Effective DateApproved on First and Final ReadingPass Action details Not available
23-5366 1 Consider a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving an Agreement Between the City of Mansfield, TX and Airbnb, Inc. for Collection of Hotel Occupancy Taxes.ResolutionResolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving an Agreement Between the City of Mansfield, TX and Airbnb, Inc. for Collection of Hotel Occupancy TaxesApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-5370 1 Resolution – A Resolution to Consider Executing a Professional Services Agreement with Studio 13, PLLC, in the Amount of $214,455 for Design, Engineering, and Construction Documents Related to James McKnight Park West ImprovementsResolutionResolution – A Resolution to Consider Executing a Professional Services Agreement with Studio 13, PLLC, in the Amount of $214,455 for Design, Engineering, and Construction Documents Related to James McKnight Park West ImprovementsApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-5371 1 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Authorizing and Approving Membership in the Cities Served by Sienergy (Cities) for The Purpose of Protecting the Interest of the City and its Citizens with Respect to Sienergy Matters; FurtResolutionResolution - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Authorizing and Approving Membership in the Cities Served by Sienergy (Cities) for The Purpose of Protecting the Interest of the City and its Citizens with Respect to Sienergy Matters; Further Suspending the June 9, 2023 Effective Date of the Statement of Intent of Sienergy, Lp To Increase RatesApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-5373 1 Resolution - A Resolution Authorizing Funding for an Amount Not to Exceed $440,870.00 and Awarding a Contract for the Construction of a New Utility Improvement and Decommission of an Existing Lift Station to Wilco Underground, LLC (Utility Fund)ResolutionResolution - A Resolution Authorizing Funding for an Amount Not to Exceed $440,870 and Awarding a Contract for Construction of the Rustic Meadow Lift Station Decommission to Wilco Underground, LLC (Utility Fund)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-5374 1 Resolution – A Resolution Authorizing Funding in an Amount Not to Exceed $$77,060 and Approval of a Contract for Design Services with Spiars Engineering & Surveying for the Harvest Point Public Sanitary Sewer Analysis (TIRZ #4)ResolutionResolution - A Resolution Authorizing Funding for Amount Not to Exceed $77,060 and Approval of a Contract for Design Services with Spiars Engineering and Surveying for the Harvest Point Public Infrastructure Opinion of Probable Construction Cost and Sanitary Sewer Analysis (TIRZ #4)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-5368 1 Suspending the Procedural Rules of Council to Reschedule the Regular Scheduled City Council Meeting of June 26, 2023 to June 5, 2023Consideration ItemSuspending the Procedural Rules of Council to Reschedule the Regular Scheduled City Council Meeting of June 26, 2023 to June 5, 2023ApprovedPass Action details Not available
23-5375 1 Minutes - Approval of the May 8, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting MinutesMeeting MinutesMinutes - Approval of the May 8, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting MinutesApproval of MinutesPass Action details Not available
23-5382 1 Minutes - Approval of the May 16, 2023 Special City Council Meeting MinutesMeeting MinutesMinutes - Approval of the May 16, 2023 Special City Council Meeting MinutesApproval of MinutesPass Action details Not available
23-5380 1 Ordinance - Public Hearing Continuation and Second and Final Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from PD, Planned Development District to S, South Mansfield Form-Based Development District on Approximately 18.59 Acres in the Milton GreggOrdinanceOrdinance - Public Hearing Continuation and Second and Final Reading on an Ordinance Approving a Change of Zoning from PD, Planned Development District to S, South Mansfield Form-Based Development District on Approximately 18.59 Acres in the Milton Gregg Survey, Abstract No. 555, City of Mansfield, Tarrant County, Texas Located at 2441 Heritage Parkway; City of Mansfield, Applicant (ZC#23-011)Approved on First ReadingPass Action details Video Video
23-5369 1 Resolution - A Resolution of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving an Amendment to the Economic Development Agreement Between the City of Mansfield, the Mansfield Economic Development Corporation, and Crystal Window and Door Systems TX; Authorizing theResolutionResolution - A Resolution of the City of Mansfield, Texas, Approving an Amendment to the Economic Development Agreement Between the City of Mansfield, the Mansfield Economic Development Corporation, and Crystal Window and Door Systems TX; Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, and MEDC President to Execute Said Amendment; and Providing an Effective DateApprovedPass Action details Video Video